The following example includes the "M" custom format specifier in a custom format string. With DateTimeOffset values, this format specifier represents the DateTimeOffset value's offset from UTC in hours and minutes. The following example uses the "f" format specifier to display a date and time value. A particular hour after midnight is indistinguishable from the same hour after noon. You can download the Formatting Utility, a .NET Core Windows Forms application that lets you apply format strings to either numeric or date and time values and displays the result string. Source code is available for C# and Visual Basic. The following example includes the "tt" custom format specifier in a custom format string. To change the time separator for a particular date and time string, specify the separator character within a literal string delimiter. The "R" or "r" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.RFC1123Pattern property. So you need to change the date format. The localized name of the day of the week is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.DayNames property of the current or specified culture. If you don’t like the default date format, you can choose another date format in Excel, such as "February 2, 2012" or "2/2/12". If an American writes May 3, 1988 as 05/03/1988 but an Italian writes May 3, 1988 as 03/05/1988 who's to know what's what! Type your required date format (e.g. The "ss" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "s" specifiers) represents the seconds as a number from 00 through 59. The following example uses the "r" format specifier to display a DateTime and a DateTimeOffset value on a system in the U.S. Pacific Time zone. Therefore, it is always the same, regardless of the culture used or the format provider supplied. As a result, although the "s" standard format specifier represents a date and time value in a consistent format, the formatting operation does not modify the value of the date and time object that is being formatted to reflect its DateTime.Kind property or its DateTimeOffset.Offset value. If the "s" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "s" standard date and time format specifier. Standard format strings can also be used in parsing operations with the DateTime.ParseExact or DateTimeOffset.ParseExact methods, which require an input string to exactly conform to a particular pattern for the parse operation to succeed. Documentation. The hour, using a 24-hour clock from 0 to 23. To change the date separator for a particular date and time string, specify the separator character within a literal string delimiter. All DateTimeOffset values are also represented in this format. If the "/" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException. For example, in a formal letter, you wouldn’t use contractions (you should write cannot instead of can’t, or would not instead of wouldn’t). When this standard format specifier is used, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture. If the "m" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "m" standard date and time format specifier. Category. M – Middle-endian (month, day, year), e.g. If a particular format specifier produces a localized result string, the example also notes the culture to which the result string applies. This is the correct answer, but it has the wrong format. “F” If non-zero, the tenths of a second in a date and time value. In contrast, DateTimeOffset values perform this conversion automatically; there is no need to call the DateTimeOffset.ToUniversalTime method before the formatting operation. For more information about using a single format specifier, see Using Single Custom Format Specifiers later in this article. See Control Panel Settings and DateTimeFormatInfo Properties for additional information about using standard date and time format strings. 04/22/1996 or April 22, 1996Specific formats for the basic components 1. yyyy – Four-digit year, e.g. For example, the "d" standard format string indicates that a date and time value is to be displayed using a short date pattern. The Regional and Language Options settings in Control Panel influence the result string produced by a formatting operation that includes many of the custom date and time format specifiers. Defines the abbreviated month names that can appear in the result string. For more information about using a single format specifier, see Using Single Custom Format Specifiers later in this article. Defines the string that indicates times from noon to before midnight in a 12-hour clock. Provides various constants to build Date format string. The localized name of the month is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthNames property of the current or specified culture. Although it's possible to display the ten thousandths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The result string produced by many of the custom date and time format specifiers also depends on properties of the current DateTimeFormatInfo object. The following example includes the "zz" custom format specifier in a custom format string. If the "t" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "t" standard date and time format specifier. The "f" custom format specifier represents the most significant digit of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the tenths of a second in a date and time value. The hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12. If non-zero, the tenths of a second in a date and time value. After you select a format, the Property Update Options button appears, and lets you to apply your new format to any other table fields and form controls that would logically inherit it. The "g" standard format specifier represents a combination of the short date ("d") and short time ("t") patterns, separated by a space. However, if you want to use a different format for the date, such as using periods instead of slashes (3.23.16), that’s easy to change in Windows’ settings. If you are studying date_format because you want to format a date, consider the power of date(..) !!!! The following table lists the DateTimeFormatInfo object properties that may control the formatting of the returned string. Because both "s" and "t" are custom format strings, both characters must be escaped to be interpreted as character literals. The following example includes the "yyyyy" custom format specifier in a custom format string. When I say “date in a file name” I mean that the actual title of the file has the date in it. However, trailing zeros or two zero digits aren't displayed. The "d" custom format specifier represents the day of the month as a number from 1 through 31. Four standard format strings fall into this category: "O" (or "o"), "R" (or "r"), "s", and "u". date format configurable, so I can use my preferred format yyyy-MM-dd - BTW, what country has this as default? Defines the string that indicates times from midnight to before noon in a 12-hour clock. The hour, using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12. Packages that depend on date_format You can determine the custom format string or strings that correspond to a standard format string by calling the DateTimeFormatInfo.GetAllDateTimePatterns(Char) method. If non-zero, the ten millionths of a second in a date and time value. A single-digit offset is formatted with a leading zero. The following example includes the "h" custom format specifier in a custom format string. following example includes the "ff" custom format specifier in a custom format string. The following example uses the "D" format specifier to display a date and time value. For more information about using a single format specifier, see Using Single Custom Format Specifiers later in this article. Any string that is not a standard date and time format string is interpreted as a custom date and time format string. The following example illustrates both uses. The "M" or "m" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthDayPattern property. In parsing operations, custom date and time format strings can be used with the DateTime.ParseExact, DateTime.TryParseExact, DateTimeOffset.ParseExact, and DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact methods. Repository (GitHub) View/report issues. This may affect the behavior and the output of examples that illustrate the DateTime, DateTimeOffset, and TimeZoneInfo types and their members. The following example uses the "T" format specifier to display a date and time value. The following sections provide additional information about each custom date and time format specifier. Any date and time format string that contains more than one character, including white space, is interpreted as a custom date and time format string.A standard or custom format string can be used in two ways: 3.Select the cell B1 and right-click, choose Format Cells from the context menu. The year, with a minimum of three digits. Formats a date value using U.S. date formats. The "yyyyy" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "y" specifiers) represents the year with a minimum of five digits. The PM designator is used for all times from 12:00:00 (noon) to 23:59:59.999. The tenths of a second in a date and time value. For more information about using a single format specifier, see Using Single Custom Format Specifiers later in this article. The following example uses the "F" format specifier to display a date and time value. Click OK to close the dialog box and apply the format. The apostrophes do not appear in the output string. The following example uses the "m" format specifier to display a date and time value. The AM designator is used for all times from 0:00:00 (midnight) to 11:59:59.999. The hundredths of a second in a date and time value. D – DayOrder of the basic components: 1. The "mm" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "m" specifiers) represents the minute as a number from 00 through 59. The "t" custom format specifier represents the first character of the AM/PM designator. The format using dots (which denote ordinal numbering) is the traditional … The custom format specifier that is returned by the DateTimeFormatInfo.ShortDatePattern and DateTimeFormatInfo.LongTimePattern properties of some cultures may not make use of all properties. The "s" custom format specifier represents the seconds as a number from 0 through 59. 格式 描述 %a: 缩写星期名 %b: 缩写月名 %c: 月,数值 %D: 带有英文前缀的月中的天 %d: 月的天,数值(00-31) %e: 月的天,数值(0-31) If the "g" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "g" standard date and time format specifier. The following example includes the "MMMM" custom format specifier in a custom format string. To apply your changes throughout the database, click the smart tag, and then click Update Format everywhere
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