I would have to think hard to know what those were was in archaic measures but then I was taught in metric from when I was in my early teens. I’m so paranoid about forgetting to renew the couple of domain names I care about that I’ve authorized my provider to bill my credit card automatically when they’re due to renew. Have to just bite the bullet and do it. Simplest solution would be for us all to stick with the versions that involve logical progresssions, ie day month year or year month day. Hey… I live in the US and I don’t understand why people don’t use the metric system. Of course, I also add the Hebrew date b/c that’s the way I roll. In the United Kingdom and, in fact, most of the rest of the world, today’s date would be indicated 9 April 2012 or 9/4/12. *EUR => DD.MM.CCYY The other variant is relative; this one is also used for multiples of five minutes. When is Christmas? The most significant digits come first, not last! Europe Blog notes, âThe only countries that do not share the European date format in fact are the US, Philippines, Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, Canada and Belize.â So today would be written as 2012.04.10. The standard separator in Germany (as laid down in DIN 1355, DIN 5008) was the dot. In the UK the emergency telephone number is 999 or so I thought. Eurostyle is logical ⦠preceding from the smallest to the largest unit. To me, it sounds like you’re saying that this September is one of the 11ths or the 11th instance of a September (or 9 generations after September, Jr.). The date will now appear in the dd/mm/yy format within your FMX site! On some radio stations, announcers regularly give the current time on both forms, as in "Es ist jetzt vierzehn Uhr einundfünfzig; neun Minuten vor drei" ("It is now fourteen fifty-one; nine minutes to three")[citation needed]. “Over 1/2 of the US canât tell if a Celsius temperature is hot or cold.”. The American format is only truly logical if you say dates the American way. YYYY-MM-DD is always the meaning when year is first (The logic behind this format is to read from most signifficant to least signifficant). *USA => MM/DD/CCYY, parenthetically, the default if nothing is specified is *ISO, additionally, if the suffix “0” (*ZERO) is added, there are no delimiters, my favoured choice would be *ISO, although many here would prefer *EUR. YYYY-MM-DD (2017-03-30) In Britain we tend to say the 25th of December. However, others hang on to old habits. They got rid of shilling, fathoms and bushels already. As with many things, Canada goes with the flow. Also: the 12 April 2012 format is routinely used by American genealogists when they write; I know because my sister happens to be one. So December 18, 2013, would be today. For my checks, I write, as an example, 10 April 2012. âMeet Me in St. Louisâ in âThe Family Stoneâ: a case of emotional larceny. If you write DD.MM.YYYY, or DD/MM/YYYY, or with commas, or however, that’s ok, too! I’ve had a love/hate affair with this since my early twenties when I spent three years in France. I don’t understand why 4/9/12 is ambiguous but 2012-09-04 isn’t. We could all be speaking Esperanto, too. If the files are saved with names in ISO 8601 format (i.e., 20120120_FILE, 20120415_FILE, and 20121201FILE) they will automatically appear in chronological order when you view the file listing in the directory where they have been saved. Before posting and after some research to answer my own question, I deleted my second paragraph, but WordPress posted it anyway. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Over time, I have come to favour the IBM date format standards used on the iSeries computers where the format code specifies both the order of fields and the delimiter: Follow these directions to change your date format in Internet Explorer to dd/mm/yy: 1. Just realised I read sword hand origin HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine how stupid you feel having to pause and think of your birthdate? “Are you going to Dave’s party on July the 8th?” ( Log Out / Seems to me I discovered recently it’s a totally different 3-digit number in the UK. 112 is the European (or is that international?) Trying to spend all day converting one to the other will drive you bonkers. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. That we aren’t I don’t take to be a sign of some failing on the part of one nation or another. The UK, Ireland, Malta, and Cyprus are the only holdouts left in Europe driving on the left side of the road. A variant of the 12-hour clock is also used, in particular in informal speech for approximate times. Firstdayofweek specifies the first day of the week. If your “argument” is correct then why was it that before the French Revolution a number of provinces drove on the other side of the road? So please edit the post. It’s a not true about Belize though, it’s a British colony and write their date like the brits do. 4/9/12, on the other hand, could mean either date, according to whether one is using US or rest-of-the-world dates. The Modern Language Association (MLA) format for academic writing in the humanities specifies that dates be given as day month year; today would be 20 September 2014. Every time I did I had to fill in a Green Card. MM/DD/YY instead of DD/MM/YY can anyone please advise? Change ). I work in Treasury services and the differing date formats are a total pain in the bum. The term controversy may be appropriate insofar as "relativists" often complain about not being able to decode the "absolute" way of telling the time, resulting in missed appointments etc. Open a new Internet Explorer browser. I’m glad to give an explanation but I’m sure that people will object! And your argument doesn’t apply to the other examples. To me, the beauty of the European method is its progression of diminishing specificity with each increment of time: from day to month to year. [citation needed]. The dates on the web page were in the European date format (i.e., dd/mm/yyyy). Unless you save the keystrokes in one place and then use them elsewhere, as I do. Oracle Databases also default to 12-APR-2012, which is kinda interesting for an American country. For left driving UK I’ve heard/read (can’t cite) that if riding a horse and meeting another rider it was good to pass on the left of each other….so in case of attack/need for protection, one’s sword hand was closest to the passerby/antagonist….assuming right handed of course. The twit wrote the American date format.”. I’ve done it both ways, but by preference use the day/month/year format when there is no risk of confusion; i.e., my personal journal. Your comment about the ‘”9/11″ precedent’ intrigued me because it left me wondering whether you were aware of the significance of 911 in the U.S. (It’s the nationally recognized number to dial in an emergency. The default date ⦠I see no reason why gunpowder treason In VBA Format Date function you have the option to either define your own format or use some of the MS Excel predefined format. Use a regular expression in MS Wordâs Advanced Find/Replace feature to locate all dates in European format. Dates and now side of the road? If youâre wondering how we format currency in Europe, or how we format large numbers or numbers with decimals, here are some examples: Most European countries (as well many other countries in the world): 300.000 or 300 000 means three hundred thousand The logical date part ordering and the metric system are objectively better than the alternatives even if you personally value tradition more than logic. Since portions of the population continued to use the old format, the traditional format was re-introduced as alternative to the standard yyyy-mm-dd format to DIN 5008 in 2001 and DIN ISO 8601 in September 2006 but its usage is restricted to contexts where misinterpretation cannot occur. Others write 2016, June 25 or 2016.06.25 either of which is substantially easier to organize a group of records because everything is in order. How do you alphabetize things? (And no, you can’t first go to Google to convert stone to kilos — tell me right now.). I’ll gladly proclaim my ignorance about Napoleon’s influence on which side of the road to drive. The traditional all-numeric form of writing Gregorian dates in German is the little-endian day. I’ve never had anyone even comment on it. This is probably counterintuitive to many Westerners, yet no one has ever accused the English language of being intuitive or easy to follow. Especially, how do you sort dates on a computer when the date is embedded in a name or some other field that the computer doesn’t ‘know’ is a date? New York Times outliers: “maths,” “trainers” and “mate”, http://www.usa.gov/Topics/Independence-Day.shtml, http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/scan.htm, Cách viết ngà y tháng á» các nÆ°á»c khác nhau trên thế giá»i, âWhat we were able to provide our young men during an abbreviated season was a little bit of specialââU. Quebec does that but two recent items from Feds have used (eg) oct 26, 2012. How do you write numbers? It was developed by a few European 'medical' engineers who first met at the ⦠By the way, I meant to add that measurement and accounting systems can be very different. By the leftmost(first) character of course! *ISO => CCYY-MM-DD Also: doesn’t your American domain hosting operation email you when it’s getting time to renew? One was done in Europe, and the other is from U.S. military people (who, unlike typical Americans, use Euro-style dates and 24-hour time). Interesting stuff about Napoleon and unification and I’m sure there was a time when some Canadian provinces drove on the left. Caesar? I use the format …eg for today…09 IV 2012. Isn’t the main issue here the NUMERIC presentation? “As for driving on which side of the road, remember, please blame Napoleon!”. But I think that may be based on the precedent of saying “September 11th” rather than “11th September”. Anyone who must sort a large number of files in chronological order quickly becomes a fan of the ISO 8601 standard (YYYYMMDD). German grammar rules do not allow for leading zeros in dates at all, and there should always be a space after a dot. There is much more to be said but I’m trying to concentrate on the question! Date.FromText. I wouldn’t say 9/11 is *purely* a reference to the date. "der zweite erste" - the second first - for 2 January). I send out a membership list ⦠bollocks… Fred Flintstone logic! Gunpowder treason and plot. Some users have restored their devices and found the dates have changed back to the American Date format. As for the ISO format, it is the standard format in large parts of Asia and in parts of Africa, but it is also used as the standard date format in Scandinavia. Hi John – I’ve lived in London for nearly 10 years and would concur with your conclusions (except for the reference to the “Colonies” :)), most of which I noted myself in my own comment. I once asked an English acquaintance and she told me she didn’t know — she only knew how much she weighed in stone. BTW: I would guess far more than “over 1/2” of the US can’t tell if a Celsius temperature is hot or cold. The same way of giving the time is used also in Slovenia (of course using Slovenian language) perhaps as the remnant of the old Austro-Hungarian times. Working with European Date Format in Microsoft Word YYYY format is used with dots as separators and with leading zeros. (Interestingly, the blog goes on, the European Union and other international organizations do not use the European style but rather the ââISO 8601â standard date format. Week numbers according to ISO 8601 and the convention of starting the week on Monday were introduced in the mid 1970s (DIN 1355). 14:51 or 14.51. A friend cleared it up for me by mentioning the OTHER way of writing dates. You can also change the month and date order if you mentioned the month in words. South Africa’s also the only English-speaking country I’ve been to that uses the decimal comma instead of the decimal point. AND be sure that the commas are in if you wrote the month in letters failing which your knuckles will have an appointment with the teacher’s ruler. Change dates to US format using the Replace button. Doc would stand there and be trying to convert in their head to inches! The euro going from the smaller fraction to the larger (day, month, year) and the ISO formatted inversely (year, month, day) It makes it easier to sort and organize records. To format a date in VBA we use the inbuilt FORMAT function itself, it takes input as the date format and returns the desired format required, the arguments required for this function are the expression itself and the format type.. Formatting of date & time are sensitive things in excel, and the same thing applied to VBA as well. Since you’re an academic, Mr. Yagoda, I’m kind of surprised your entry on date formats fails to note that historians who write in English, regardless of nation, have been using the 12 April 2012 format for quite some time. Mainland China invariably writes 2016/01/06 since the past 60 years. No, that is entirely illogical. American colonists favoured the monthly format, while the British Empire drifted towards the European style of dd-mm-yyyy. so 25jun16. I doubt it would have been adopted as shorthand — of if it had been, adopted as readily — if it didn’t jive so nicely with the U.S.’s 911 emergency number. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The use of a dot as a separator matches the convention of pronouncing the day and the month as an ordinal number, because ordinal numbers are written in German followed by a dot. Some goes for Taiwan’s 105/01/06 as their first year of the Minguo era was in 1911. Excel always fails when the date contains a combination that ⦠Personally, I prefer the Asian style date format: year, month, day. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The counting system is utterly different from the West. The European, Asian, and American date orders are all internally consistent and therefore both equally logical and equally arbitrary. I have always used the dd.mm.yy format as this is what I was taught in school, however, and somewhat bizarrely my father who is fast approaching telegram age uses the mm.dd.yy format and always has done. The bank doesn’t seem to care as long as it’s got my signature ð. On a related note, are Brits more, or less, likely to use the less common style of “Month the Day” instead of “the Day of Month” or “Month Day,” at least for important dates? Pingback: Cách viết ngà y tháng á» các nÆ°á»c khác nhau trên thế giá»i. It struck me (and my mirror) at the same time that we needed better road rules. 4/9/12 is ambiguous. 2012-09-04 can ONLY mean the fourth of September, 2012. I weight 82kg and I am 1.78m tall. '91"; however, two-digit years are generally deprecated after the Millennium. The number of commas in an Indian balance sheet can drive you mad! Get it right! No one has ever had any problem with that, and to the best of my knowledge computers understand it just fine! 4/20/2020; 2 minutes to read; D; M; s; m; In this article Syntax Date.FromText(text as nullable text, optional culture as nullable text) as nullable date About. Then the patient would come in and ask how big is it. ISO is the better way. Have you also been petitioning Her Majesty’s government for the creation of a British Academy to do away with this kind of “absolutely senseless” spelling? Here the organisation is closer to the US dating but with the year placed at the start, for example â2010/12/20â.â) The problem is knowing which is which…uh oh. I have seen this on many paintings/drawings in museums, and here’s a passage from the Roman numeral entry in wikipedia, “In Central Europe, Italy, Russia, and in Bulgarian, Croatian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Serbian languages, mixed Roman and Arabic numerals are used to record dates (usually on tombstones, but also elsewhere, such as in formal letters and official documents). Believe me they often email me many months in advance! We’re not weirdos too. How do you sort dates? Note that these phrases are exclusive to the 12-hour clock, just as the "(hour) Uhr (minutes)" format is exclusive to the 24-hour clock. STEP 2: Scroll to the very bottom, and select Change date and time formats.
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