You can find the program goals and learning outcomes of the various study programs in the navigation bar. Perspektivenwechsel. Non-native speakers must prove sufficient knowledge of German. A one-semester internship in the area of marketing is also part of the program. An official at the examination office will sign the form and send it back to you. Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Hs-pforzheim. Our marketing graduates hold different positions in business life. karen.feiter(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de. Forschungsschwerpunkt, Expertise, Forschungsbereiche, Marketing, Kommunikationsmanagement, Informationsmanagement. If you are looking for an practice-oriented degree with an excellent reputation, then we are the right school for you! * New Exchange Programs: Students will spend approximately 70% of their degree on these general courses. Pforzheim University is a public university of applied science in Germany. : 0049 7231 28-6075. As a marketing professional, you are challenged to constantly stay updated on the latest development in the field. Pforzheim University International partner universities with student exchange programs Faculty Country Partner university & city Jointly in Consortia International Accreditation Funded by ERASMUS Website (link) Optional funding BW-S / sorted by discipline, country and partner (incl. Critical thinking and analytical competence. Thilo Klein is professor for Quantitative Economics at Pforzheim Business School und heads the research area "Design of Matching Markets" at ZEW – Leibniz-Centre for European Economic Research. Hochschule Pforzheim - Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften mit den Fakultäten für Gestaltung, für Technik und für Wirtschaft und Recht Konsumentenversteher, Experience Manager , Data-driven Storyteller und Managementberater – Marketing Intelligence-Spezialisten sind in einem thematisch breit … 1,637 views; 9 years ago; This item has been hidden. Competence goal 2: Use of information technology, Competence goal 3: Critical thinking and analytical competence, Competence goal 7: Expert knowledge in the major field of study, 8 Gründe für ein Studium an der Business School, Auslandsstudium an einer Partnerhochschule, Englischsprachige Fachveranstaltungen als Vorbereitung, Information for INCOMING BACHELOR EXCHANGE students, Informationen für PFORZHEIMER BACHELOR Studierende - ISP im Überblick, International Master Exchange Program | IMEP, Information for incoming MASTER EXCHANGE students, vunk - Zentrum Verbraucherforschung und nachhaltiger Konsum, Master und Weiterbildungszertifikate "Strategisches Innovationsmanagement", Die Prinzipien für Verantwortungsvolle Managementausbildung, extensive, practice-oriented consolidation in the field of marketing, professors with good connections to reputable companies, an internationally recognized Bachelor degree, opportunity to study abroad at a reputable partner University, acquisition of language skills through English language lectures, opportunity to gain further qualifications through our Master study program, Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research, Ethics and Corporate and Social Responsibility, Marketing management (marketing planning, organization and control), Marketing instruments (product, price, distribution and communications policy), Market research, sales forecasts and planning methods, Modern communications technology in marketing. If you are interested in how new products and markets are created, starting from analyzing customer needs, through to production, sales and communication, then you can learn about the central role of marketing in all of this. Students are able to express ideas and arguments clearly and convincingly in oral and written communication. DOWNLOADS. Good English language skills are essential. links to network IP address Within this business study program you will learn how to create marketing concepts by setting targets, implementing strategies and using various instruments. The degree program consists of general studies and course specific modules. Students recognize ethical issues and conflicts, which can arise from their business activities and account for them accordingly. ℹ️ receives about 4,542 unique visitors per day, and it is ranked 128,657 in the world. These include junior managers in the marketing sector with the opportunity to later become a product, marketing or sales manager. Kontakt. 5.2 Students demonstrate their oral communication skills in presentations. This course also teaches you how to find the right products, create the right price and distribution and communication policies within the market. Expert knowledge in the major field of study. Find more data about hs pforzheim. For example you can find summer programs, normal exchange programs double degrees. Schools. 5.1 Students are able to express complex problems effectively in writing. Marketing, Kommunikations- und Informationsmanagement > Mechatronik > ... Akademie an der HS PF > MBA International Management > MBA Management > Master Embedded Systems > ... Two research institutes of Pforzheim University are represented in the Research Map of … Prof. Dr.-Ing. He has extensive professional experience in economic advising on the design of data and matching markets. As well as learning about theoretical aspects students will take part in projects in cooperation with renowned companies. 7.3 Interpretation and critical reflection as well as development of alternatives. olga.pfeifle(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de. 1.2 Students demonstrate their distinguished and sound competencies in Economics. 1.1 Students demonstrate that they have basic knowledge in Business Administration. Graduates of the Master of Arts program in Transportation Design will have the skills necessary to structure a project team, plan a design project and supervise its execution. Design. Hs Pforzheim Anmeldung Thesis. Matthias Weyer. The rest of the time will be taken up with course specific modules. Klickt auf "Gefällt mir" und informiert Euch schon vor Studienbeginn über alle wichtigen Dinge, die das Hochschulleben betreffen. Engineering. Each one of these goals is outlined by learning outcomes, through which the competency goals are operationalized and become tangible. Students from other universities must arrange for credit transfer with their home university in conjunction with Pforzheim University. Business. Contact If you have further questions regarding our study program or the application procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us: marketing(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de, Tel. I chose the last one, so I could have a whole year to gain as much experience as possible. Please contact us for further information. However Marketing is not only a specialization within the broadly based business studies, but rather the central theme of our academic education. Tel: (07231) 28-6504. matthias.weyer(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de. Das Marketing-Studium an der HS Pforzheim besser machen. I wanted to go to Germany, wherefore the choose of Business with the specialization of International Marketing in Pforzheim… Students show that they are able to work successfully in a team by performing practical tasks. 4. 2.1 Students demonstrate proficiency in using computer programs to solve business problems. You will benefit from the close cooperation between Pforzheim University and numerous renowned partner universities and colleges abroad. 2.2 Students are able to use information systems effectively in real world business settings. BW/ Marketing HS Pforzheim has 263 members. The program at Pforzheim University is taught half in English, half in German. See 14 photos and 1 tip from 72 visitors to HS Pforzheim Gestaltung. Students spend four semesters in Pforzheim and two semesters at the partner university. The Marketing Department at Pforzheim University on Program goals describe the competencies, which every student should have obtained at the end of their studies at Pforzheim Business School. Program structure ... Proficiency in business, management and marketing, provided by the subject area Design and Business, supplement the basic knowledge essential to all design fields. 1.4 Students are able to solve business problems by applying quantitative methods. "Schnitzel-mittwoch lá jutta." Students are able to develop business ethics strategies and apply them to typical business decision-making problems. Career ... Marketing, Design). Duration of study7 semesters (210 credits), Degree ClassificationBachelor of Science(Business Administration), Program languageGerman (at least 18 credits in English). 3. After successful completion of this Bachelor study program, graduates have the opportunity to take part in a Master study course. Thereby, Pforzheim University will be acknowledged for its positive contribution to human togetherness and progress in an ever-changing world 2. April 2019 feierten 16 Absolventinnen und Absolventen mit Ihren Angehörigen in einer dezentralen Feier des Studiengangs Marketing…, Prof. Dr. Anja Forster mit Praxislehrpreis ausgezeichnet, Alessia-Antonia Giaccone wird mit Preis ausgezeichnet, Allumni und Lehrbeauftragter Martin Gaubitz erstellt neue Website für Werkstudentenjobs, 43 neue Marketing-Studierende im Wintersemester, 8 Gründe für ein Studium an der Business School, Auslandsstudium an einer Partnerhochschule, Englischsprachige Fachveranstaltungen als Vorbereitung, Information for INCOMING BACHELOR EXCHANGE students, Informationen für PFORZHEIMER BACHELOR Studierende - ISP im Überblick, International Master Exchange Program | IMEP, Information for incoming MASTER EXCHANGE students, vunk - Zentrum Verbraucherforschung und nachhaltiger Konsum, Master und Weiterbildungszertifikate "Strategisches Innovationsmanagement", Die Prinzipien für Verantwortungsvolle Managementausbildung, Verena Amann und Gunjan Bhardwaj gehören zur „Jungen Elite“, Herzlich Willkommen zum Wintersemester 2020/21, 44 neue Marketing-Studierende im Wintersemester. In addition they could work in the marketing or distribution department of a company, work in a consultancy firm or for an independent marketing consultancy. Prerequisites The entry requirement is a higher education entrance qualification. 1.3 Students have command of legal methodology for case solutions on basis of claims. At our partner universities English is the teaching language. Der Bachelor-Studiengang BW / Marketing an der Hochschule Pforzheim heißt Sie herzlich willkommen! Everyone who is interested in marketing and in completing an extensive study program within this field. WingBlog HS Pforzheim. Führend durch. During the last 15 years globalization, innovation pressure as well as new information and communication technologies have changed our working world more than ever before. uses n/a web technologies. It includes the analytical and creative instruments that are needed to understand how a company is currently positioned, in which direction it will evolve and how it can, ... marketing(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de, Tel. What marketing strategies does Hs-pforzheim use? Clostridium difficile thesis Research paper recycling plastic. Our state of the art MBA program offers the academic and professional edge that will provide you with distinct competitive advantages for the business of tomorrow. International students who are interested in an exchange semester or a fulltime study at Pforzheim University, can find more information here. 7.2 Secure and competent application of methods and instruments. Im Forschungsschwerpunkt Marketing, Kommunikations- und Informationsmanagement werden Problemstellungen behandelt, die marketing- und kommunikationsorientierte Fragestellungen aus Forschung und Praxis fokussieren. International Programs Office Welcome on the website of the International Programs Office of Pforzheim University. School of Design; School of Engineering; Business School; Apply now; Contact Students are able to use information technology successfully. In general there is the opportunity to gain employment within the field of sales, for example in product management and in distribution for an industrial or service company. ... international marketing, international controlling, international logistics and sustainable product ... katharina.kilian-yasin(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de. 5,875 Followers, 150 Following, 273 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Hochschule Pforzheim (@hspforzheim) at Fakultät Wirtschaft und Recht at HS Pforzheim. SCHLIESSEN. Students have a sound background in their major field of study. It includes the analytical and creative instruments that are needed to understand how a company is currently positioned, in which direction it will evolve and how it can, strategically and operationally, manage a promising process of reorientation. Students are able to work effectively in teams. Due to the emerging challenges a lot of companies need to position themselves entirely new. This can be accomplished through systematic market research. Send the signed form to pa.gestaltung(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de. : 0049 7231 28-6075. 41 Marketing-Studierende starten online ins Studium, Exkursion des Studiengang Bachelor Marketing, Am Freitag, den 5. In these changing times Marketing plays a key role. On this site, you will find more information about a study or internship abroad. sandra.brenk(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de Visual Communication In relation to culture, society and new technologies, Communication Design is not even an ever-expanding and shifting discipline, but is currently facing a major turn in both its vocational settings and conceptional applications. 1 talking about this. Students have broad knowledge of theories and their practical application in order to understand business functions and processes. In these changing times Marketing plays a key role. This is why, in our Marketing Management programme at Hanze UAS, we don't only teach you theory, but also help you develop the skills you need in order to stay on top of the game. 6. Uploads Play all. Students are able to examine problems critically and solve practical problems with analytical competence. With more than 6,200 students, Pforzheim University is one of the state's largest University of Applied Sciences. This first step is obligatory: it serves as your guarantee that your internship satisfies our requirements. Students are able to apply analytical and critical thinking skills to complex problems. The programs at our university are consistently based on those current challenges. Prof. Dr. Katharina Kilian-Yasin. Moreover graduates could work for consultancy companies, publishers, agencies, institutes or as self-employed advisors. 1:35. Contact. The CHE University Ranking provides you with all important information on studying Business Administration / International Marketing (B.Sc.)
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