With its faculties Design, Engineering, and Economics and Law Pforzheim University combines creativity with business education and technical precision. 621 0 obj <> endobj 654 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<98698F4290CF4D4CAE10B757222DDE0F>]/Index[621 57]/Info 620 0 R/Length 147/Prev 391876/Root 622 0 R/Size 678/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Main facts at a glance! This is confirmed by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International), the world's leading accreditation institution. a`(/��hP //�� ��z�2.֙@I9 V�c4``�İ�%���хe?�W�%�G��3dZɚʠ Find A Masters. Language. ; For double degree students. 1.5 Years (starting: Both semesters) Duration . English only . Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Innovation und Design > Engineering and Management International > Engineering and Management International - Double Degree > StudiumPLUS > Master Programs > < Embedded Systems > Embedded Systems – part-time > Information Systems > Mechatronic System Engineering > Product Development > Engineering and Management > Free / €1500 . Intégrer un Master Design en alternance Qu’est-ce qu’un Master Design en alternance ? The School of Design in Pforzheim Design PF is not only a prestigious educational institution, but also a source of impulses for the public. The programs are designed with a clear profile of professional functions that are emphasized through practical orientation as well as transfer of application-oriented knowledge, internationality and the involvement of renowned companies. FindAMasters. ). The Business School as well as the programs of Engineering and Management at Pforzheim University meet the highest international standards. Combined Master's degree / PhD programme No Joint degree / double degree programme Yes Description/content. Pforzheim University offers a wide range of bachelor and master programs in design, technology, business and law. The structure of the study allows you ideally combine your studies with your work, since many classes take place on Fridays and Saturdays. L'université de Pforzheim, qui compte environ 4 500 étudiants, est l'une des plus grandes du genre dans l'État allemand du Bade-Wurtemberg. It occupies circa 3,000 square meters, is staged in as many as four different venues and presents projects and works from the various departments. Sep 18, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Fredrik Aaro. Master Creative Communication and Brand Management (M.A.) M.A. Application process for Master of Arts programs in Design 1.) Transportation Design. As multi-qualified generalists, engineers are able to interlink different areas of knowledge and tasks and to think and act across the board, so that products not only function reliably, but also sell well. your own Pins on Pinterest ���\$)Ef����4g�/n4 This combination makes the university an attractive science and research partner for the regional and national economy. Transportation Design - Hochschule Pforzheim - study in Pforzheim, Germany Master of Arts in Transportation Design Having gained specialised skills and knowledge, including further development of their personal design identity, graduates of the course are able to instigate and direct projects, advanced or production with a high level of intellectual and creative rigor, as well as managing design teams and product presentation on a professional level. Fashion design is the art of applying design, aesthetics and natural beauty to clothing and its accessories. With around 6,200 students, Pforzheim is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Le master design est une formation de niveau I qui permet d’obtenir 120 crédits ECTS après un bac+3 (licence,bachelor,…) et qui forme les étudiants à devenir des designers conformément aux besoins des industries à forts potentiels, comme la publicité, la communication, l’architecture, l’urbanisme, la distribution ou encore le luxe. Graduates of the master's degree program Engineering and Management understand the work of engineers as well as value-oriented management and strategic procurement. Application Deadlines . ), Creative Communication and Brand Management (M.A. L’IPSSI propose un Mastère 1 Design Graphique en alternance, en 2 ans (post-Bac+2), avec Titre inscrit au RNCP niveau 2 à Bac+4 . The master programs at Pforzheim University are postgraduate programs that require a first academic degree. The School of Design in Pforzheim – DesignPF – is a vibrant institution with both, a strong vision for speculative futures and future making and deep historical roots in craft and industrialisation. h�bbd```b``���w@$��d9"���H��`Y[�����F,{L~˞��7A$�T��P�i�`6�d�� "�"A$OX�Dr�E8;A��])�$�e�*�@d`��H����������8`���� C�� endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 677 0 obj <>stream The study program BSc International Marketing offers a track in English that covers the third year completely. 0�10��dTfP��g���H����3 ����� v?����%��"��?��� � 5�/[ endstream endobj 622 0 obj <>/Metadata 25 0 R/OpenAction 623 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/PageMode/UseThumbs/Pages 619 0 R/StructTreeRoot 44 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 623 0 obj <> endobj 624 0 obj <. Pour une information complète, visitez Master Innovation, Design et Luxe. The design of IT solutions is a key success factor in the company. ), Corporate Communication Management (M.Sc. It is the second university in Baden-Württemberg and the first university of applied sciences in Germany whose high quality in teaching and applied research has been confirmed by AACSB. %PDF-1.6 %���� It is influenced by cultural and social attitudes, and has varied over time and place. Design Factory Pforzheim > Modulhandbücher > How-to-Study > Studentisches Leben > < AStA und Studierendenschaft > Studentische Initiativen > Alumni > < Alumni Fakultät für Technik > Alumni Fakultät Wirtschaft und Recht > Forschung. For exchange students. 36 Research Assistant Transportation Design Monika Markert T +49 7231 28 6901 monika.markert@ hs-pforzheim.de Design PF Transportation Design Master Studying at Design PF ↑ Erik Satre, DIPLOIDCHROMACITY LEMANSPROTOTYPESIMPLIFIED ↗ Title: Francesco Ercolani, Project Alfa Romeo ↓ Roman Zenin, Opel … Below you will find all degree bachelor programs and master programs at a glance. Discover (and save!) Winter semester: 30 Mar/30 Apr . This is considered one of the most important awards and is a confirmation of the outstanding quality of education. Within the study program BSc International Business tracks in English and/or French and/or Spanish are part of the curriculum. Compétences. ↑ Haut. The International Study Program (ISP) offers well over 60 courses in English. Fashion designers work in a number of ways in designing clothing and accessories such as bracelets and necklaces. Le Master Design est une formation de niveau Bac +5 qui enseigne aux étudiants les différentes techniques et connaissances indispensables à l’apprentissage d’un métier dans le domaine du design. Pforzheim University belongs to the group of currently ten AACSB- accredited universities in the German-speaking area. The programs are designed with a clear profile of professional functions that are emphasized through practical orientation as well as transfer of application-oriented knowledge, internationality and the involvement of renowned companies. Founded in 1877 as Ducal School of Craft, it started as an ‘educational laboratory’ of crafts, industrialized production and … Métiers visés. The master programs at Pforzheim University are postgraduate programs that require a first academic degree. Le Master Innovation, Design et Luxe : encore classé 1er par le Classement des Meilleurs Masters. All study programs are full-time. In line with the Daimler AG/smart project, three of our students identified and analyzed additional added services for smart to provide for their customers to increase product attractiveness and sales.. La fusion des deux anciennes universités de sciences appliquées, indépendantes et couronnées de succès, pour le design et l'économie en 1992 a jeté les bases du département d'ingénierie de l'université. Creative Communication and Brand Management, Strategic Innovation Management (parallel with employment, module-based), 8 reasons to study at Pforzheim University, Study abroad at one of our partner universities, Information for INCOMING BACHELOR EXCHANGE students, Informationen für PFORZHEIMER BACHELOR Studierende - ISP im Überblick, International Master Exchange Program | IMEP, Information for incoming MASTER EXCHANGE students, vunk - Zentrum Verbraucherforschung und nachhaltiger Konsum, vunk – the Centre for Consumer Research and Sustainable Consumption, Master's degree and professional training certificates in "Strategic Innovation Management", Principles for Responsible Management Education, Controlling, Finance & Accounting (M.Sc. T��t�ᴨ&�� �&{��Z��ķ\anl&'�>2 Pforzheim University School of Design Holzgartenstr. Pforzheim University - Business School, ranked n°41 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Pforzheim School of Design‘s new Masters of Design & Future Making is strongly studio-based, exploring transformative approaches to design making between traditional and emerging technologies. Plaquette de la formation . Search Postgraduate Masters Degrees in Design at Pforzheim University. (Master of Arts) Subjects: Design, Urban and Spatial planning . The focus of the Henkel project lay on sustainable packaging in the beauty care industry. h�b``�d``�e`e`Jsd`@ �� The aim of the three-semester, consecutive master's course is the preparation of specialists and executives in the IT field, focusing on the interaction of people, process and IT. Degree. Pforzheim University. ), Master Life Cycle & Sustainability (M.Sc. M.A. The regular duration of a Bachelor program is 3.5 years (seven semesters); Master's Degree Programs normally last 1.5 years (three semesters). Les objectifs du Mastère 1 Design Graphique. During this 28-month car design program, including a final 6-month internship, students will be trained to become strong professionals thanks to an intensive project-based pedagogy, car manufacturer master classes and partnerships, and an important emphasis on all representation techniques (2D/3D). The MBA International Management (MBA IM) at Pforzheim University Business School helps you to tackle the challenges of the 21st century. MASTER AND MORE: information about your Masters study. Lead international … Pforzheim University offers Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in all faculties/schools. Summer semester: 30 Sep/30 Oct . Brief program description. The Pforzheim University, together with the Technical Academy Esslingen, offer a part time master's degree program that is to be completed within two and a half years. Search Postgraduate Masters Degrees in Furniture Design at Pforzheim University. The following sections contain information and offerings regarding the selection of a program, as well as assistance on orientation and decision making questions. Pforzheim (German pronunciation: [ˈpfɔʁtshaɪm] ()) is a city of over 120,000 inhabitants in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, in the southwest of Germany.It is known for its jewelry and watch-making industry, and as such has gained the nickname "Goldstadt" ("Golden City"). Compétences. Information Collect information about your desired program of study: Visit us at the School of Design in Pforzheim on open house days (the ‚Werkschau‘, for example), scheduled informative meetings, portfolio consultations, and talk to our professors and students.
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