I'm sure Delco has internal tracking of this, but it isn't publicly available to my knowledge. Bcc is often used to prevent an accidental "Reply All" from sending a reply intended for only the originator of the message to the entire recipient list. Quello che vedremo invece oggi è un aspetto poco usato e conosciuto presente in ogni mail: i campi Cc e Ccn, che spesso ignoriamo in ogni mail semplicemente perché non sappiamo cosa significano e come si usano. 5 0. rehak. Beim Verfassen einer E-Mail taucht neben der Betreffzeile der Button "Von/CC/BCC" auf. In the BCC field, type the email addresses of your recipients. Carbon copy (cc or c.c.) Everything you need to know about making BlueMail work for you If you need assistance with your email account, please contact the Technology Service Center at: 718.289.5970 or send an email to tsc@bcc.cuny.edu. Perhaps this will help to clarify. Cc: Stands for "Carbon Copy." The WAB turns Boris Johnson's withdrawal agreement, which is a draft international treaty, into UK law and gives the government permission to ratify it. BCC, Replies, and Email Threads. BCC steht für blind carbon copy, also den E-Mail-Versand durch einen anonymem Durchschlag. sAddress One or more valid e-mail addresses separated by a semicolon. Syntax. Il tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. Jameson Holt wants to send an email about a product order to a couple of people. You could even put your own email address in the To field and include every other address in the BCC field, hiding everyone’s email address from each other. How does bcc work? Blind carbon copy (abbreviated Bcc) allows the sender of a message to conceal the person entered in the Bcc field from the other recipients. Il termine Cc è l’abbreviazione nata da “Carbon Copy” nota come carta carbone: il perché è molto semplice. FORTHCOMING EVENTS. Per farla davvero breve e più semplice possibile, il campo Ccn è il campo Cc ma risulta visibile solamente a chi scrive la mail: i destinatari non potranno mai visionare il campo Ccn di una eMail ricevuta; questa funzionalità può tornare molto più utile della precedente per svariati scopi. Help Center. De exemplu, dacă trimiteţi un mesaj către: mircea[email protected] şi în câmpul Bcc: [email protected], atunci mirceapopescu se vede pe sine ca fiind singurul destinatar al mesajului. tom(CC) sees your name as the original reciver and me as the sender but does not know julie was also sent the email(BCC) got it? Regulation EC1907/2006 (REACH) Quality Manager Phone +33 47989-3292 Send E-Mail . To achieve this, the typist can: With email, recipients of a message are specified using addresses in any of these three fields: It is common practice to use the Bcc: field when addressing a very long list of recipients, or a list of recipients who should not (necessarily) know each other, e.g. Standard email etiquette states that neither those Cc’ed or Bcc’ed are expected to respond to the email message. It means blind carbon copy. Commonly used for mailing lists [and spam], this field can also be useful to exclude emails from appearing for courtesy’s sake. Carbon copy is also known as … Questo campo comunque è stato ideato e dovrebbe essere utilizzato quando vogliamo far partecipe qualcuno di una comunicazione, ovvero in sostanza desideriamo inviare una copia del messaggio. Attenzione però che vi è anche un’altra piccola differenza tra Cc e Ccn spesso poco nota: Ccn funziona solo per l’invio di mail e non di risposta; in sostanza se qualcuno risponde ad una nostra mail inviata con indirizzi in Cc e Ccn, i campi presenti in Cc riceveranno una copia della riposta ma chi era in Ccn no; la motivazione di fondo è semplice poiché il destinatario di una mail non può visionare il campo Ccn e il sistema di posta elettronica non potrà inviare copie del messaggio. The original addressee of the mail (To: address) is left under the impression that communication is proceeding between the known parties, and is knowingly kept unaware of others participating in the primary communication. "Bad e-mail habits can be bothersome, embarrassing". What is bcc in email. To send a message to multiple parties with none of them knowing the other recipients. The BCC allows you to write an email TO some people and BCC others. Just to give you some context, I'm using hMailServer as part of an email gateway to a bug tracking systems so that all mail to NNNN@bugs.example.com gets added to the bug log for #NNNN. In some circumstances, the typist creating a paper correspondence must ensure that multiple recipients of such a document do not see the names of other recipients. To report the clinical and histopathological features of four additional cases of Bcc dermatitis in dogs, one of which progressed to septicaemia. So, what I've done is set up only one account for the domain, made it the catch-all address, and have a user rule that will run a script to add the email to the bug database based on the headers. The CC and BCC functions are actually email sending best practices features you should be using if you send emails to more than one recipient.Here’s another resource on email marketing best practices that will help you build and maintain good relationships with your subscribers. CC pour "copie carbone" ou "copie conforme" qui permet d'envoyer le meme message a plusieurs destinataires. Ad esempio se stiamo scrivendo ad un collega di lavoro e abbiamo qualche problema, possiamo far partecipe anche un nostro superiore immettendolo nel campo Ccn in modo che prenda visione di quanto stia accadendo senza che il nostro collega lo sappia. Although this procedure covers the use of Gmail on the web, most email programs handle Bcc similarly. In email, a return receipt is an acknowledgment by the recipient's email client to the sender of receipt of an email message. Die Personen im CC erhalten eine Kopie der Mail. Möchten Sie eine E-Mail verschicken, können Sie die Nachricht per CC oder BCC auch an andere Kontakte senden. BCC is an abbreviation used in email, which means simply Blind Carbon Copy. When you CC people on an email, the CC list is visible to all other recipients. Launch the built-in macOS email client and click New.. 2. Beware the BCC. CC is a very useful tool, but only when used sparingly and with some consideration. The recipient does not necessarily see the email address (and real name, if any) originally placed in the To: line. Someone on the BCC list can … You can also put all the people you are sending an email to in the BCC field and then no one will be able to tell who else the email … Wenn Sie eine neue E-Mail verfassen, finden Sie die beiden Adressfelder "CC" und "BCC" direkt neben der Zeile für den Betreff: Beide bieten die Möglichkeit, neben den Hauptempfängern ("An") noch weitere Personen über den Inhalt Ihrer E-Mail zu informieren. When you send a message to more than one person, you have the option to enter addresses in the "Cc:" and "Bcc:" fields. Stainless Reinforcing Bars sales Phone +33 (0) 477 955 277 Send E-Mail . Die Unterteilung in AN, CC und BCC ist rein organisatorischer Art, Ihre Nachricht wird an alle Empfänger gleichermaßen zugestellt. BCC: Blind Carbon Copy is where you put contacts who shouldn’t see the should not be seen by other contacts. BBC (blind carbon copy) is a perfect tool for keeping these details private.Basically, it lets you email an identical text to a number of people in such a way that none of them knows who else is on the mailing list. In a pinch, you can Google the BCC + 'MEMCAL', and it'll give you a site that has a listing for it. Two notification services are available for email: delivery status notifications (DSNs) and message disposition notifications (MDNs). For example, if you CC bob@example.com and jake@example.comon an email, Bob and Jake will both know that the other received the email, as well. CC e BCC (o CCN) Stanno per Carbon Copy e Blind Carbon Copy (su alcune versioni localizzate di Outlook potreste trovare CCN Copia Carbone Nascosta): sono le due opzioni che permettono di mandare lo stesso messaggio a più persone senza dover reinviare decine di volte la stessa mail. To send a copy of one's correspondence to a third party (for example, a colleague) when one does not want to let the recipient know that this is being done (or when one does not want the recipient to know the third party's. FYI (for your information) FYR (for your reference) FYI is when the recipient has to know this piece of information, usually they dint know any of it, or at least some of it, already. CC-Empfänger müssen normalerweise nicht auf die Mail reagieren, da sie nicht direkt angesprochen werden. Examples. People in the Bcc field also don't receive reply emails from To or Cc recipients. BCC stands for “blind carbon copy.” Unlike with CC, no one but the sender can see the list of BCC recipients. 1. Es bedeutet, dass jeder Empfänger die Mailadressen der … CCi pour "copie carbone invisible" ou "copie conforme invisible": Meme fonctionalite que ci-dessus mais les destinataires ne voient pas les adresses des autres. The Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is an emerging cause of opportunistic infections. come creare un indirizzo eMail professionale, Come Vedere Rai e Mediaset su Windows, Mac e Linux, Come Installare Windows su Mac con Boot Camp, Cos’è l’Overclock di un PC? Cc means carbon copy and Bcc means blind carbon copy. But next time you compose an email, take a minute to consider whether CC-ing is helpful or necessary. Advanced Email for Android. Die Bedeutung von Bcc und Cc ist nicht intuitiv und daher häufig nicht klar. „Zu“. Bcc: (Blind Carbon Copy) - Put the email address here if you are sending them a Copy and you do not want the other recipients to see that you sent it to this contact. And more importantly, when should you use it? mariapopescu, pe de altă parte, este "în cunoştinţă de cauză" – ea poate vedea că aţi trimis mesajul Către: mirceapopescu şi că ea a primit o copie confidenţială. Officially the meanings and protocol for email are the following: 1. When composing an email to multiple recipients, the To field is not the only place to enter addresses. I campi obbligatori sono contrassegnati *. a meaningful substitute for the names can be placed in the body of the message, e.g. Deep pyoderma associated with Bcc infection has been reported previously in dogs receiving ciclosporin. Zu sehen ist dies in gängigen E-Mail-Clients bei der Zielauswahl: Dort existiert „CC“ als erste Option hinter „An“ bzw. Set the ribbon not to strike the paper, which leaves names off the top copy (but may leave letter impressions on the paper). For example, if you have bob@example.com and jake@example.comin the BCC list, neither Bob nor Jake will know that the other received the email. This wikiHow teaches you how to hide one or more email recipients using the blind carbon copy (BCC) feature. One or more name-value pairs. When you send an e-mail message, you typically type the recipient's address in the "To:" field. The interpretation of "Bcc:" as "blind courtesy copy" is a backronym and not the original meaning; the historic RFC 733 has an explicit "blind carbon" annotation in its definition of the Bcc: header field syntax. Both “cc” and “bcc” are additional fields you can enter when sending an email. Our seasoned Professional Services experts can work with you to ensure that you and your staff are fully up to speed on the ever-changing mailing industry, and help you maximize your use of BCC Software products and services. However, the term is now commonly used in reference to e-mail. Note that BCC doesn’t function like CC when it comes to email threads. The BBC learns that the government is to pay compensation to the families of those killed and wounded on Bloody Sunday. Il campo Ccn, la cui sigla è l’equivalente in inglese di Bcc, è sostanzialmente identico come funzionalità al campo Cc ma permette di nascondere gli indirizzi eMail; in sostanza quindi se inviamo una eMail ad un nostro conoscente e immettiamo nel campo Ccn un altro indirizzo di una persona, questa riceverà la copia del messaggio ma non apparirà il suo indirizzo al destinatario della eMail. How to Use BCC in an Email. In some circumstances, the typist creating a paper correspondence must ensure that multiple recipients of such a document do not see the names of other recipients. FYI (for your information) FYR (for your reference) FYI is when the recipient has to know this piece of information, usually they dint know any of it, or at least some of it, already. their real names, but not their email addresses, can be listed in the body of the message, or. Das bedeutet BCC in Mails Die Abkürzung „BCC“ steht für „blind carbon copy“ (deutsch: Blindkopie). The people you send it TO don’t know that others are secretly on the BCC line. Every recipient email address you enter into the “to” and “cc” fields will be able to see each other. Objective. Sofern Du mehrere Empfänger angeben möchtest, so kannst Du diese mit einem Semikolon trennen. Cc is short for carbon copy; Bcc stands for blind carbon copy.
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