That extremely destructive policies are doable is an empirical fact. Calling all people of London. Just a reflex. “Monkeys don’t have a real long memory and, after a while , a second monkey thought again about the bananas and headed up the ladder. After the fiasco of the first lockdown Ferguson should have been arrested and Sage disbanded. Whether these presented individuals even exist is something I don’t automatically assume. The not so perfect crime, it’s so obviously criminal. If I knew his address, I would. Twitter’s limit isn’t designed to promote concise, pithy comments, or for esthetic reasons– it’s just a blunt instrument to grab maximum dumbed-down eyeballs. “See, Greta was right!”. It’s got the measure right hasn’t it? The behaviour being ‘desirable’; is pertinent. One person – her Mate’s Dad – over 90 years old. The danger goods like Christmas crackers and children toys. “Healthy” discussion should be centred on that “still developing science”. It trains, it never teaches. You affect not to have heard of the “Great Reset”- while attacking our national health system. After another couple of hours, the third monkey couldn’t resist and he went for it. One of the monkeys, who was both clever and agile (and also liked bananas), decided to head up the ladder to grab a banana. Children learning not to touch. Yet we’re all being told to keep’ away from the bananas’ or we’ll be ‘flushed away’ to another domestic prison sentence or fines. The point once again, is to save the biggest wasted of public money this country has which is the NHS. To me, therefore, it really doesn’t seem too far-fetched to picture a future time when our actual thinking will have evolved into something different from what it is now, and personal insight into the deep workings of reality will replace the sleep-walking state which some people think constitutes ‘awareness’ today. image caption. Summary of the machine stops. These are people who find themselves having power far beyond their wisdom. Nature is both separate and zoonotic – stay home, stay safe. They initially asked him what he thought of the game and then weren’t satisfied with what he said. And now….will another injured reminder be bound for transport, or will the old word suffice – and raise us to answer. This is an early cautionary tale against centralisation, globalisation, loss of local resilience, unifomity, cultural domination, etc. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 48 pages and is available in Paperback format. But they are part of a very large, and very corrupted, mainstream – media conglomeration. It merely laughs at the “God” who gave the ingrates “dominion” over all existence. She knew there was something wrong. Or completely unscientific ideas – that the virus somehow “doesn’t exist” and that the health authorities are completely wrong.”. No one believed me in March. I do not have a Mask. I want to have a conversation with you, not a masked up zombie..who’s words i cannot hear nor understand unless you take your mask off. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. In the other corner, the masses, also groggy. Rebooting The Machine. And you could likely go on individually replacing monkeys one at a time forever and expect the same result. For the past few days I have been sensing that something has gone terribly wrong with those “best laid plans” of the Not-So-Great-For-The-Mass-Of-Humanity Reset. I’m waiting a few more hours to decide. Masks might actually help filter some of these nano-particles out. I contacted my GP on 6th October in chronic pain. Laptop also showed he spent $21,000 on one ‘live cam’ porn website. Johnson said yesterday that people should still go to the NHS with non Covid conditions. But banning the purchase of Christmas crackers is what’s the word crackers. "What do you say?" But it’s obvious that for many, writing is truly a chore, and even irksome. “Lorenz was assigned as a military psychologist, conducting racial studies on humans in occupied Poznań under Rudolf Hippius. Obedience and submission. Whereas you and I seem to enjoy writing, I think people who aren’t that way would rather talk in person and just see email as a straight communication of data instead of a unique opportunity to share personality and style. State education is a production line. The Machine Stops. Any visitors to my house I tell them no mask is needed Why was that? It’s abstract. I think you’ll find the empty testing centres will be used for mass DNA harvesting! Again, recognising, through conditioning, what is and isn’t the desirable behaviour. For this lockdown to be justified on the basis of a computer model from Ferguson and imperial college London who have no credibility left as they are always sensationally wrong is an insult to the people of England. They actually believe that a yellow metal is equivalent to wealth. It served to appease any crisis of conscience they may have suffered. Therefore, individuals are isolated and packed into small beehivelike structures underground. It’s anticipated, and prepared for ( The utter vacuousness, mental bankruptsy and transparency of the kakistocracy’s fabrications is politically irrelevant. The trilateral billionaires seem perfectly happy with the status quo and the repressive lockdown(s) and get their paid-for servant, Sir Keir Rodney starmer, to say so. Suspended at the top if the cage was a bunch of bananas. We came across a parking lot setup for a pre-release demo of a highly anticipated video game, and they asked passersby if they wanted to try it. March along to his house. The lockdown in France is not because of the spread of CV-19 but because Macron really is up against it, really up against it. I don’t hear about any of these events till after the fact. Otherwise, I would say 95% of the people outside are mask free. About 90% were not wearing masks. i exist here when using mine Masks are basically a security blanket and/or a symbol of submission. They can possess physical properties such as uniformity, conductance or special optical properties that make them desirable in materials science and biology, Then, I ask, what’s the point of this? So the Mask is an all-purpose tool of oppression. They quickly forget that they should be according to the ever changing rules / laws be wearing a mask. Well hey, if you’re a limerick writer and you like haiku, you’ve already got your foot in the door with poetry. The conditioning for avoidance of human intimacy. en France aussi, il y a un grand besoin de moquerie, pour aider à déstabiliser leur campagne de Réinitialisation du Grand Virus Fasciste. Here, you had already written exactly what I was thinking! Visiting my brother for his birthday I must have broken at least 3 or 4 rules/laws. You get told the ‘facts’ that the books propagate and at the end of the year you have memory tests they call exams. Monkeys don’t have a real long memory and, after a while , a second monkey thought again about the bananas and headed up the ladder. Sit me down at a keyboard with a blank page to fill, and my stubby fingers just go galloping away. B. The harms caused by long term mask-wearing far outweight any potential good. How has it come to this, a civilised democracy brought to its knees by an incompetent NHS, three rogue scientists (Witless, Unbalanced and Pantsdown) and a Prime Minister who is totally unfit for any sort of responsibility and a LOTO who is worse than useless and and has no idea what the word opposition means. Noticed in a key State that the democrats had to cancel a public event because armed Trump supporters were going to cause carnage. As for voting Third Party (which I did previously), I find even the Socialist Party a bit too right wing for my liking. I was baffled and insulted by maxine’s comment! There is soot upon the leaves Planet of the Apes is brilliant! why do you persist in fouling the comments with your inane drunken ramblings, when sober you can be quite perspicacious and somewhat interesting. I have not voted this year and am not sure I will. She kept going to see her Doctor, and they kept telling her there is nothing wrong you…so she wrote a book about it. Very occasionally, instead of the star there is a large black wedge of some sort. All of them presided over enormously destructive policies. What I took from it wasn’t just a concern for dependence on technology but more vital, at least to myself, was the denial of what it means to be human. The story raises themes of man's role in the midst of a technology-dependent built environment that are seemingly more relevant today than when the original short story was published in 1909. The government have no intention of relaxing the lockdown in December. Reading down – ah such a familiar ring! Get a large group of Wetherspoon’s clientele. I have lost count of how many and how often the number of rules / laws I have broken. Though not religious, I find the Garden of Eden fable relevant. First published in the Oxford and Cambridge Review, November 1909. I swore about a year ago that I wasn’t going to vote ever again. And the fact that we have been directed to a psychologist indicates that we have no MATERIAL concerns. They are mislabelling deaths all over the shop, have been from day one, which has been proof all along this is criminal, because you wouldn’t need to mislabel deaths in a real pandemic, only sick, disgusting, amoral, criminal scumbags behave in that way, and they have used trick in the achieve this, because they are scum. Our official propaganda outlet obviously thought they had a ‘coup’ story with Kate Shemirani’s estranged son. We need now to follow our fellow European and worldwide counterparts get out onto the street en masse and really demonstrate as the Italians and the French, Germans and many other countries are. I was asked to wear a mask and I complied without a whimper. He breaches lockdown rules and goes and shags his mistress!! BTW, as you might infer from my commenting style: when Twitter first arrived, I declared it a bankrupt means of worthwhile communication on the grounds that “anything that can be said in 140 characters or less isn’t worth saying”. There is nothing inherently dangerous about AI & Technology, they are benign, it is how they are used that is important. Every year there are winter pressures and every year the NHS fail to divert financial resources from their significant £145bn of public money to open more beds, more wards and build more capacity. Whenever dictators rear their heads and begin their evil business, it’s always artists who are first to go. Actually, where I live there is virtually no compliance with mask wearing except only when entering a shop or getting on a bus. "The Machine stops." Aren’t the rulers clever? “Do not eat of that fruit!” makes it all but impossible not to “eat of that fruit.”. How much lower can they go to reach the ultimate depths of Depravity? Where do you live? Am I alone in this? Your kids will have kids. One family of 3 kids came; that’s it. Simply, everything takes practice, including rebelling. Finally, all three monkeys became convinced that going for the bananas was a bad idea, and went on with the rest of their lives. Often when I return to OffG after going to a fellow commenter’s link the screen is filled with a large yellow star – so large that I cannot see it in its entirety. If that’s the case, then in a perverse sort of way those who wear their masks everywhere like good little sheep might actually be extending their lives by breathing in less in the way of climate altering particles. Cars won’t even be able drive on our roads truly autonomously for at least another 20 years and even then they may as well be on rail tracts because of the dedicated infrastructure they will need to stay safe, but we will live in a dictatorship long before then. He looks to me both frightened and very tired. Buy her book, they are going to be even more skint now. When he first introduced it, Nihal made a point of saying that the Disinformation Unit was “defintely not Orwellian”!!!. We are blinkered in this country about them. 13h century - watercolour/gouache 'The story describes a world in which most of the human population has lost the ability to live on… I may need to join Facebook just to stay up to date on the protests. And now she’s wearing sable. I know I’m wordy; for instance, my e-mails usually run in paragraphs– almost all of the ones I receive are a sentence or two long. A. I have been challenged just a few times about not wearing a mask. Great reset be damned. It was clever for about five minutes during the Watergate Scandal, but has lived on and on as a monument to fatuous, lazy journalism and commentary. And then this shit happens. Okay, thanks. Public displays of affection to the max! He quickly concluded that climbing the ladder wasn’t a good idea. It is usually (supposedly) an 18 or so year old who has just got out of custody of their “crazy anti-vaxxer mom” – they are all grown up and have just got all their vax for the first time, and want everyone to congratulate them for overcoming their imbecile mom or dad, becoming woke, and for surviving all their jabs. They seem to be lumping the flu in as CV-19 cases too so they are desperately trying to make something huge out of something that is virtually non existent.
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