Ecs.) Abschluss des Master of Education-Studiums; Die Ausstellung der Studienabschlussdokumente (Urkunde, Zeugnis, Transcript of Records, Diploma Supplement) fällt in den Zuständigkeitsbereich des "Zentralen Prüfungsausschusses Master of Education" der Universität Freiburg. Computer science is a dynamic field of study. info-forst[at] * Consultation Hours: Tuesday 10:00 am - 12:00 am Thursday 10:00 am - 12:00 am Room 02 046, 2.floor * currently not offered! Please note that the portal is not available between 3:00 and 6:00 a.m. Central European time. Remaining sections will be updated in a timely manner. All classroom-based teaching will be interrupted. 60 students from all corners of the globe get enrolled and enjoy the high-level, interdisciplinary teaching in their respective field of study. Thank you for your interest in studying Sustainable Systems Engineering at the University of Freiburg. -programme Environmental Governance (MEG) was established in 2005 to train leaders to be able to reconcile different social perspectives with regard to the sustainable use of environmental resources as a basis for sustainable development - for any development, at any scale from local to global, and in any context worldwide. The regular duration of the master programme is 4 semesters (2 years) and is devided into a scientific consolidation phase (first year) followed by a research phase (second year). Study Programme . Each year ca. University College Freiburg (UCF) serves as a central and interfaculty platform at the University of Freiburg for international, interdisciplinary teaching activities. Quelle: Semester Schedule — Master in Geology ( Nov 11, 2020) ( Nov 11, 2020) E-mail mep dum dummy my @vwl.uni-du dummy mmy You can find out from your university if your course of study is an NC course. Based on the state of the art in contemporary linguistic theory, the M.A. University of Freiburg began its academic activity in1457. Our master's programs require an excellent command of the English language: you must have a level equivalent to C1 or higher according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). University ranking. Master of Science Psychologie: Klinische Psychologie, Neuro- und Rehabilitationswissenschaften Fristen und Termine. Green - Freiburg is renowned worldwide as a Green City. was launched in 2003. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Schänzlestr. 18 | D-79104 Freiburg | Email: | Tel. Master Modern China Studies. D - 79098 Freiburg. Welcome to the M. Sc. Contact: Mr. Christoph Güttner The Master of Science in Global Urban Health at the University of Freiburg The Master of Science in Global Urban Health (MSc GUH) is an interdisciplinary modular course for graduates in the fields of social sciences, medicine, public health, anthropology or similar background who have professional experience in health sciences, environmental health, urban planning / migration or social work. Mit einem Studium in der nachhaltigen und grünen Schwarzwaldmetropole Freiburg werden Sie Teil einer der besten Universitäten Deutschlands: 290 Studiengänge bereiten Sie darauf vor, künftigen gesellschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Herausforderungen bestmöglich vorbereitet zu begegnen. Welcome! The University of Freiburg takes part in the following doctoral programs providing a focused research program and a structured training strategy for doctoral candidates. The Master of Science in Global Urban Health (MSc GUH) at University of Freiburg, is an interdisciplinary, modular course for graduates in the fields of social sciences, medicine, public health, anthropology or similar background who have professional experience in health sciences, environmental health, urban planning / migration or social work. University of Freiburg is among the best educational institutions in Germany, that is among the top 5 universities according to the national rankings. 4 D-79106 Freiburg Tel: +49 761 / 203-3608* *currently no phone advices possible. Cognitive Science / Kognitionswissenschaft – was ist das denn? The Master of Science Program in Economics (M.Sc. Thanks for your understanding! In NC courses, the number of applicants is greater than the number of available places at the university. Wenn du ab dem Wintersemester 2018/2019 an der Uni Freiburg studieren möchtest, kannst du dich unter über das Bewerbungsverfahren und die aktuellen Fristen informieren. Imagine you're not just talking about sustainability, but actively contributing to how the materials, energy systems and technologies of the future are developed! The Master thesis or Final report is a strict prerequisite for being awarded a Master … University of Freiburg Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources Tennenbacher Str. The English-language M.A. Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences. Programs The Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences is reorganizing its portfolio of M.Sc. The M.Sc. English Language and Linguistics [M.A.] University of Freiburg Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources Tennenbacher Str. The researchers of this department build systems that hardly need any energy, have a long life cycle, and adapt themselves easily to difficult environmental conditions. The language of instruction is English. Currently only reachable per e-mail. Ein Numerus Clausus bedeutet, dass es nur eine bestimmte Anzahl an Studienplätzen in diesem Studiengang gibt 998 Studenten der Uni Jena bewerten das Studium mit 3,9 Sternen. 4 D-79106 Freiburg Tel: +49 761 / 203-3608* *currently no phone advices possible. 93% der Studenten empfehlen ein Studium an der Uni Jena Hier finden Sie die aktuelle Prüfungsordnung sowie die neueste amtliche Änderung der Prüfungsordnung für den Master VWL. References can be sent to or until 24:00, 15 May 2021 The online application portal is open from March 20 to May 15 . University of Freiburg has an urban campus in Freiburg. Bitte beachten Sie daher die entsprechenden Hinweise in English Language and Linguistics focuses on the structure, use and Our integrated approach will offer an insight into the research done at Freiburg University's internationally renowned research facilities while offering a chance to gain first-hand experience in neuroscientific research in our state-of-the-art facilities. The Global Studies Programme (GSP) is a two-year Master's degree programme in Social Sciences. Der Sitz dieser Universität ist in Freiburg im Bundesland Baden-Württemberg. As of Monday, 2 November 2020 the level 5 measures in its multi-level-plan apply to the University of Freiburg. in Forest Ecology and Management at the University of Freiburg Restructuring of the Forest Related M.Sc. E-mail: info-forst[at] * Consultation Hours: Tuesday 10:00 am - 12:00 am Thursday 10:00 am - 12:00 am Room 02 046, 2.floor * currently not offered! Since 2015, the Faculty of Engineering has had its own Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering. We design the future. Course of study. I. Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate School Humanities Doctoral Research Group "Das Christentum und die anderen monotheistischen Weltreligionen: Geschichte und Begegnung" the lectures and the exercise sessions will be recorded and uploaded on ILIAS. Due to the Covid-19-pandemic, the teaching for the winter term 2020 will begin on November 2, 2020 and will end on February 13, 2020.It will be offered exclusively in digital form, i.e. University of Freiburg University of Freiburg Faculty of Engineering; Department of Computer Science; Welcome. : +49 761 / 203 97374 DFG Excellence Strategy Please note: our website is still under construction. Studieren an der Uni Freiburg. UCF houses high profile projects, notably the English-taught Bachelor program in Liberal Arts and Sciences. One Master Thesis or equivalent reports worthy at least 30 ECTS; The credit transfer between Canadian and European universities should be: 1 Canadian Credit = 2.5/3 ECTS Thesis Requirements. The latest information, frequently asked questions and fact sheets & forms for studies and teaching can be found here. The M.Sc. programs. NC courses often use deadlines that differ from non-NC courses. An der Uni Freiburg sind knapp 20.900 Studenten für ein Studium eingeschrieben. program in Modern China Studies has a strong emphasis on academic research. NC is an abbreviation for the Latin “numerus clausus”, which means “limited number”. What Our Former Students Say. program consists of compulsory modules (30 ECTS), modules of the chosen elective track (30 ECTS), elective modules (30 ECTS), distributed over three semesters, and a master thesis (30 ECTS) to be written in the fourth semester. The University's Language Teaching Centre also offers general information on … Office Address: MEP Coordination. The programme is jointly organized by Albert-Ludwigs-University (Freiburg), Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok), FLACSO Argentina (Buenos Aires), Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) and University of Cape Town (Cape Town). Consultation Hours: (All office hours have been cancelled due to the covid19 pandemic) Mailing Address: University of Freiburg. The master program is 2 years (4 semesters) long and has a credit value of 120 ECTS. The program focuses on phenomena and processes shaping modern and contemporary China, while also taking into account historical developments. It continues to develop at a rapid speed, and new visions are always on the horizon. Studienaufbau/ Modulhandbuch/ Studienverlaufsplan
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