2 4 2 5. The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, headquartered in Erlangen, Germany, conducts world-class research on microelectronic and IT system solutions and services. Oktober 2015: 34. Das Fraunhofer IIS und das Fraunhofer SCS entwickeln zusammen mit Siemens das Cyberphysikalische Produktionssystem und die intelligenten Werkstückträger. Adds Fraunhofer’s MPEG-H TV Audio System, JPEG XS – Image coding for video over IP transmission in production quality, Students from Craiova and Landshut Universities win 2018 NXP Cup in EMEA, Long-distance, energy-efficient and robust – sensor data transmission in the Industrial Internet of Things, Volkswagen is testing Fraunhofer IIS’s innovative Pick-by-Local-Light order picking system in Dresden, Novel Tools for Personalised Radio Broadcasts, New Dimension of X-ray Analysis – Joseph von Fraun-hofer Prize 2018 Goes to Fraunhofer IIS Researchers, Trailblazer for Especially Robust Vehicle Electronics, Yandex And The Audio Experts of Fraunhofer IIS Team Up To Bring Russian-Speaking Smart Speaker To Market, Fraunhofer IIS demonstrates direct IoT connectivity via GEO satellite, Fraunhofer’s xHE-AAC Audio Codec Software Extends Native AAC Support In Android P For Better Quality At Low Bitrates, SBS Conducts Worldwide First Regular Broadcast with Immersive and Interactive Sound Powered by MPEG-H Audio, Exploiting Minerals in Mining more Efficiently with Artificial Intelligence, First over-the-air beam hopping test successfully concluded, Fraunhofer EZRT puts first robot-based CT system into operation at automaker BMW, DAB+ software library upgrade improves in-vehicle reception of digital radio, IBC 2018: Fraunhofer IIS and Vewd Demonstrate MPEG-H Audio Support in HbbTV, easyDCP software suite – Ten years of enabling easy access to Digital Cinema, Fraunhofer IIS introduces SDK for JPEG XS image coding, EnABLES, a new European effort enabling sustainable energy solutions for IoT applications, MIOTY – a standardized communication solution for LPWANs in the Industrial Internet of Things, Fraunhofer IIS presents technologies for cognitive IoT sensor technology at the electronica 2018 in Munich, Use your microscope as a scanner – Fraunhofer iSTIX® software now available through VMscope GmbH, See, feel, train – virtual surgical simulator to premiere at MEDICA, Secure communication in the Internet of Things with the IoT-Bus, Fraunhofer IIS Joins GLOBALFOUNDRIES FDXcelerator™ Program to Enable Dynamic Biasing IPs, Ensure quality in assembly with intelligent tools – pilot project with BMW Regensburg, easyDCP Incorporates IMF Generation with Quality Control Functionality Integrated to Facilitate Transcoding, Fraunhofer IIS Introduces the easyDCP Publisher at NAB 2017, Felix & Paul Studios to Integrate Fraunhofer upHear Spatial Audio Technology into Next-Generation VR Camera System, The CT conversion kit PolyCT can save time by up to a factor of three in industrial computed tomography, Ultra-High Throughput Transmission over Satellite, Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize goes to Erlangen Researchers, Future Security Conference 2017 in Nürnberg, Comprehensive Lifetime Prediction for ICs, Human perception goes digital at the Campus of the Senses in Erlangen, Immersive Soundbar Virtualizer at CEDIA 2017, MStar T12 UHD TV SOC Platform Incorporates Fraunhofer MPEG-H TV Audio System Decoding Capabilities, Fraunhofer IIS and RFmondial present DAB Monitoring Receiver with Fraunhofer MultimediaPlayer at IBC 2017, Realtek Offers Fraunhofer MPEG-H TV Audio System Decoder for their RTD2871 UHD TV System Solution, Fraunhofer and b<>com present VR Comedy Show “Vaudeville” in MPEG-H Spatial Audio based on the VRIF Draft Guidelines, Realception® – Fraunhofer IIS provides first release of lightfield plug-in brand for professionals, iStix®- A cost-effective scanning solution for microscopy, Fraunhofer Immersive Audio Technology on LG 360 VR. Back to home page of Fraunhofer IIS Magazine. Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS in Erlangen ist eine weltweit führende anwendungsorientierte Forschungseinrich-tung für mikroelektronische und informationstechnische System-lösungen und Dienstleistungen. Fortbildungstagung für Klinische Zytologie, Energy Harvesting and Storage Europe 2016, Hackathon - Virtual Reality am Fraunhofer IIS, Ãffentliche Vortragsreihe Faszination Technik 2016, NGMN Industry Conference & Exhibition 2016, Digitale Wertschöpfung â Technologien und Anwendungen in Produktion und Logistik, Seminar mit Praktikum: Industrielle Röntgentechnik als zerstörungsfreies Prüfverfahren für die Qualitätssicherung in der Produktion, Tag der offenen Tür Forschungscampus Waischenfeld, Seminar mit Praktikum: Inspektion und Charakterisierung von Oberflächen, 28. und 29. Der Partner KINEXON sorgt für das hochgenaue Echtzeitortungssystem für 3-D-Lokalisierung und Bewegungserfassung. The case in point: hand-guided electric screwdrivers. ANTENNEN UND LOKALISIERUNG. Dies spart Geld und Zeit. Kontakt Lokalisierung. AI series: Mining data to extract knowledge, AI series: Machine learning drives industrial projects forward, »We’re developing the European version of a voice assistant.«, “Using AI, we will develop solutions that we couldn’t achieve with conventional methods.”, Near-sensor AI: Generating sensor data of outstanding quality, AI series: Putting artificial intelligence into practice, Edge AI: Next-generation artificial intelligence, Edge AI: Energy-saving “building blocks” for smart end devices, AES International Conference on Automotive Audio 2019, NGMN Industry Conference & Exhibition 2018, AES New York 2018 - 145th International Pro Audio Convention, Pain Face Day 2017 - Challenges of Automatic Pain Recognition, 2017 AES International Conference on Semantic Audio, 2017 AES International Conference on Automotive Audio, NGMN Industry Conference & Exhibition 2016, SystemC AMS und COSIDE User Group Meeting, TALENTA support program for female scientists. Das Fraunhofer IIS bietet Partnern aus verschiedensten Branchen eine auf ihre speziellen Bedürfnisse abgestimmte Lokalisierungslösung für verschiedene Anwendungen. For this reason we are currently mainly working from home, yet we remain available to you by phone and email. Within the 5G Bavaria project, Fraunhofer IIS is deploying in phase I a 5G test center in Erlangen, an Industry 4.0 test bed in Nuremberg as well as an Automotive test bed in ... Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS Bereich Lokalisierung und Vernetzung Nordostpark 84 | 90411 Nürnberg Telefon +49 911 58061-413 The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft employs a staff of 25,000, who work with an annual research budget totaling more than 2.3 billion euros. Dezember 2015: 8. Juni 2015, 13 Uhr PRESSEEINLADUNG PRESSEEINLADUNG 10. The wireless communications technology MIOTY allows garbage cans to automatically recognize how full they are and can provide garbage collectors with an optimized route plan. Cognitive Sensor Technologies / Communication Systems / Positioning and Networks / 8.3.2016. Schnelle Evaluierung von Lokalisierungs-, Kommunikations- und Identifikations-technologien. With the creation of mp3 and the co-development of AAC, Fraunhofer IIS has reached worldwide recognition. Our GoalRef goal line technology knows all, sees all and transmits the information immediately to the referee's wristwatch. The Fraunhofer Society (German: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V., "Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research") is a German research organization with 72 institutes spread throughout Germany, each focusing on different fields of applied science (as opposed to the Max Planck Society, which works primarily on basic science). Ortung und Lokalisierung auf Basis eines optischen Systems. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschafts research activities are conducted by institutes and research units at locations throughout Germany. Done! Dept., Nuremberg, Germany 2 Friedrich-Alexander-Univ ersity Erlangen-Nuremberg (F AU), Programming Systems Group, German y We will be happy to support you in the current situation by applying our expertise. Not any more, because Fraunhofer IIS has developed awiloc, a positioning solution which achieves precisely that without compromising your data privacy. 1 Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Locating and Comm. Das Angebot reicht dabei von einzelnen Modulen und Komponenten bis hin zu fertigen Lösungen. Fraunhofer IIS: Institutsleiter Dr. Bernhard Grill feiert 60. Since then he has been working at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits Sys. For ex- ample, objects will be able to determine their “condition” themselves and “talk” to each other. Intelligent tools increase quality in assembly. Source: Fraunhofer-GesellschaftFraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS - Positioning and Networks, Online in Internet; URL: https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/magazin/lokalisierung-und-vernetzung.html, Prof. Albert Heuberger, Direcotr of Frauhofer IIS: "It is our job to give industry access to the latest technologies. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Förderprogramm für Wissenschaftlerinnen TALENTA, josephine® Mentoring-Programm für Studentinnen, Anfahrt Erlangen â METEAN - Medizintechnisches Test- und Anwendungszentrum, Algorithmen zur Ortung und Nachverfolgung, Modellbildung für Datenverarbeitung und Zustandsschätzung, Messtechnik-Know-how für Ortungstechnologien und automatisierte Testverfahren, HF-Wissen zur Signalausbreitung, Antennencharakterisierung und induktiven Anwendung (u.a. Fraunhofer-Arbeitsgruppe für Supply Chain Services SCS auf der LogiMAT 2016, Fraunhofer IIS stellt Technologien für das Internet der Dinge und Industrie 4.0-Anwendungen auf der CeBIT vor, Neue Dimension der Empfänger-Entwicklung, Erster Programmier-Hackathon am Fraunhofer IIS, ANALYTICA 2016: SCube â automatisierter Mikroskop-Scanner, »ErlebnisReise« â Die neue Themenwelt im JOSEPHS®, Fraunhofer-Preis 2016: Digitalradio für die Welt, Wettbewerbsverfahren zum Projekt eDorf startet, Bewegung, Schnelligkeit und Strategie â Team HoloPac gewinnt VR-Hackathon am Fraunhofer IIS, Fraunhofer SCS präsentiert auf der FachPack 2016 in Nürnberg smarte Objekte in der Supply Chain, 3D-Sound in Alcatels neuer VISION VR-Brille, »Wohnen, Leben, Arbeiten« â Die neue Themenwelt im JOSEPHS®, 20150202_BMT_Fitness-Spiel_koerperlich_Geschaedigte, 20150202_SCS_doppelte_Auszeichnung_JOSEPHs, Leistungszentrum Elektroniksysteme startet in Erlangen, 20150810_IIS_Oberfrankenstiftung_Gerhaeuser, 20150908_AME_Der_Fernsehsound_der_Zukunft, Uni Bamberg und Fraunhofer IIS starten Kompetenzzentrum »Geschäftsmodelle in der digitalen Welt«, 20140710_IOSB_IIS_Fraunhofer_investiert_in_Thueringen, 20141106_Offene_Werkstatt_Datensicherheit, 20141202_EZRT_Live-Bilder_Werkstoffinneres, Presseinformation Bessere Qualität für Mobiltelefonie, Smartes Behältermanagement - Für die Digitalisierung von Wertschöpfungsketten, IoT-Foresight - kollaborative Trend-Plattform, Data Analytics im Supply Chain Management, Gewinner des VW Logistik Innovationstages: Pick-by-Local-Light, Intelligente Werkzeuge assistieren in der Montage, Seminar mit Praktikum: Wärmefluss-Thermographie, Vernissage und Ausstellung »Fred Ziegler: Poetry of circuits«, Hands-On-Workshop Deep Learning and Computer Vision, Praxis-Seminar: Industrielle Röntgentechnik, Standort Nürnberg JOSEPHS â Tour U1 Fürth-Nürnberg, Eröffnung und 1. Forschung für die Zukunft. Johannes Mahr received his Master degree in Electrical En- more about industrial image processing. Als internationaler Forschungs- und Entwicklungspartner kombinieren wir eigene und am Markt verfügbare Technologien, um Ihnen kundenindividuelle Lösungen in Hard- und Software bereitzustellen. Cognitive Sensor Technologies / Postioning and Networks / 7.2.2020. Goal or no goal? Software package for car radios with DRM – Digital Radio Mondiale, EU-project microMole develops sensor systems for the tracing of synthetic drug laboratories via sewage systems, Fraunhofer IIS presents technologies for the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 at CeBIT, Fraunhofer Cingo® Brings Surround Sound to Hulu’s Virtual Reality Experience, DS Broadcast Integrates Fraunhofer’s MPEG-H Audio in Broadcast Encoder, Kai Media Integrates Fraunhofer’s MPEG-H Audio in New 4K UHD Live Broadcast Encoder, Freebox SAS Enters Patent License Agreement, Cadence Offers Industry’s First Licensable MPEG-H Audio Decoder for Tensilica HiFi DSPs, Fraunhofer IIS expands board of directors, 20150202_BMT_Fitness-Spiel_koerperlich_Geschaedigte, Fraunhofer IIS and Nokia jointly operating LTE-A test bed for new mobility and IoT applications, 20150908_AME_Television_audio_of_the_future, Energy harvesting solution for an energy-independent flow measuring system on pipelines and filling pumps, 20141202_EZRT_Live_images_inside_material. An insight into the BMW Group plant in Regensburg. Using a solution developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, the BMW Group in Regensburg is now giving their production assemblers digital assistants directly on their tools. © Fraunhofer IIS Trends in der drahtlosen Sensorik in Produktion und Facilities Prof. Dr. Thomas Wieland Fraunhofer-Anwendungszentrum Drahtlose Sensorik, Coburg By driving technology ideas and anticipating and inspiring the technologies and applications of tomorrow, we are playing a major role in maintaining Germany’s technological leadership. At the event on September 28, 2018 at Fraunhofer IIS in Nuremberg, we asked participants how they use machine learning in their companies. Christopher MUTSCHLER of Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Erlangen (IIS) | Read 45 publications | Contact Christopher MUTSCHLER (FH) degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences¨ Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany, in 2007. Fraunhofer IIS/EAS is therefore working on software-programmable image sensors (Vision-Systems-on-Chip or VSoC). Cognitive Sensor Technologies / Communication Systems / Positioning and Networks / 25.11.2019. Currently, he is a senior engineer in the radio frequency (RF) and SatCom Systems Department. What makes our technology unique and differentiates it from camera-based solutions is that it functions in any kind of weather, even if bad conditions temporarily restrict visibility on the field. Extrem leistungsfähiger Mobilfunkstandard zur Lokalisierung. Head of Department Efficient Electronics (acting) Fraunhofer IIS, Division Engineering of Adaptive Systems Zeunerstraße 38 Here you can find an overview of all institutes, cooperations and affiliated international research centers. It ranks first among all Fraunhofer Institutes. the Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, Germany. Apart from the inconvenience, this can occasionally lead to dangerous traffic situations. Sensornetzbasiertes Supply Chain Event Management zur Optimierung des innerbetrieblichen Asset Managements am Fraunhofer IIS Lempert, S.; Pflaum, A. Fraunhofer IIS-Technologien unterstützen wirksames Zähneputzen â auf den Nutzer individuell abgestimmt! Fraunhofer IIS got responsible to develop the complete digital electronics of ARRIs first digital camera D20/D21. Dr. Christopher Mutschler is one of the AI experts at Fraunhofer IIS. My role was to implement and debug the full RGB processing firmware. Andy Heinig. Oktober 2015: 32. RFID), Systemspezialwissen zu Bildverarbeitung, Inertialsensorik und Integration von Elektronik in Sportgeräte, Standardisierungs-Know-how im Umfeld von 5G, Zusammenführung von Partnern und Konsortien. Wir schaffen Mehrwerte für digitale Prozesse, um die Wertschöpfung zu erhöhen. Dr. Popugaev has authored and co- Deutscher Logistik-Kongress, 30. Deutscher Logistik-Kongress, Workshop »Ãkosystem für qualifizierte ASIC-Entwicklung und Supply Chain Services«, Seminar mit Praktikum: Optische 3D-Messtechnik für die Qualitätssicherung in der Produktion, 2017 AES International Conference on Automotive Audio, ISEC Workshop »INNOVATIONEN IM SERVICE«, 24. iTiZZiMO realisiert die Software-Integration unter Nutzung von Smart Devices. His current research interests in-clude the analysis, modeling, and manipulation of multi-dimensional signals, over-the-air testing for terrestrial and satellite communication systems, and sparsity reconstruc-tion methods. Read more Deriving energy from body heat and vibrations – energy harvesting makes it possible Fax +49 911 58061-3299 Unter anderem mit der maßgeblichen Cognitive Sensor Technologies / Positioning and Networks / 23.6.2017. Bei der Entwicklung von Lokalisierungssystemen kommt es darauf an, schnell die richtige Technologie in der Anwendung zu testen. Positioning and Networks / Cognitive Sensor Technologies / 8.11.2018. He researches machine learning and ensures that scientific findings make their way into industry. ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Slide 3 Housekeeping Rules 1. The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS is one of the world’s leading application-oriented research institutions … The Machine Learning Forum is a twice-yearly networking platform for industry and research. Entwicklung und Test von Satellitennavigationsempfänger und -antennen. An overview of our structure, our mission, chronicle and interesting facts and figures about the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. At Fraunhofer IWU, we have also taken far-reaching measures to protect our employees, project partners and the public from the corona virus. Logistikkongress: Data Analytics für die Logistikwirtschaft, Preiswerte Mikroskopie-Scan-Lösung mit iStix®, Fraunhofer IIS eröffnet Standort in Passau, Störsichere Positionierung von Drohnen mit Galileo PRS, Mit revolutionärer Sensor-Plattform zu IoT-Systemen, Kostengünstig und klein: Galileo PRS-Empfänger für mobile Anwendungen, Als Teamplayer für die Region ausgezeichnet, »Fit & sicher mobil« â Die neue Themenwelt im JOSEPHS®, Fraunhofer Audiotechnologie für LG 360 VR, Datenrate vervierfacht - 3D-Chip für Ultra-HD-Kameras, Bayerns Wirtschaftsministerin Aigner übergibt For3D-Förderbescheid. Prof. Albert Heuberger, Director of Fraunhofer IIS, explains the significance of research in the development and use of 5G and how it can benefit users. Researchers at Fraunhofer IIS are developing the basic technologies required for this Internet of Things – and are doing so for the entire chain of applications. The quality of cleverness is something we generally attribute to people. His current research activities focus on the design of customer-specific microstrip antennas, im-proving the efficiency of their design process and providing cost effective solutions. Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Guiding topic: Cognitive sensor technologies, Guiding topics: Audio and Media Technologies, Production monitoring of cast parts using X-ray technology, Fraunhofer IIS: Institute Director Dr. Bernhard Grill celebrates his 60th birthday, Fraunhofer introduces new test service and trademark program for xHE-AAC audio codec, Netflix Now Streaming xHE-AAC Audio on Android Mobile, Using Energy Harvesting to power wireless sensors, Fraunhofer IIS, RoodMicrotec GmbH und EBV Elektronik GmbH geben Kooperation bekannt, Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve - MPEG-H Audio, Research project "KI-FLEX": how new AI-based electronic solutions can make autonomous driving safer, “Energy-efficient AI system”: Fraunhofer participates in Germany’s Sprunginnovationen competition with the ADELIA project, Mobile analysis system for trace substances in liquids, Fraunhofer IIS demonstrates 5G solutions for Industrial IoT at Mobile World Congress 2018, Faultless data transfer despite interference - digitally tunable radio frequency filters at embedded world, Huawei Enters Patent License Agreement for Fraunhofer IIS MPEG-4 Audio Patent Portfolio, Fraunhofer IIS Audio System Selected for Chinese 3D Audio Standard for UHD TV, Ericsson Integrates Fraunhofer’s MPEG-H TV Audio System Into Its Contribution-Encoder/Decoder Solution, INNOPIA Technologies Inc. Leistungszentrum Elektroniksysteme (LZE) is a cooperation of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, its Institutes IIS and IISB, the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) as well as further research and industry partners. und Lokalisierung Fraunhofer IIS 6 Datenübertragung Fraunhofer HHI 7 3D-Media Center mit Gestik-Interface Fraunhofer HHI 18 Flachlautsprecher Fraunhofer IDMT e n e r g i e 14 Auto-Tuning in 3-D Mute your microphone To help keep background noise to a minimum, make sure you mute your microphone when you are not Researchers at Fraunhofer IIS are developing the basic technologies required for this Internet of Things – and are doing so for the entire chain of applications. Fraunhofer IIS is currently prototyping low-latency and high-precision positioning systems for legacy LTE and future 5G New Radio (NR). Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Nuremberg, Germany BIOGRAPHY Alexander Rugamer received his Dipl.-Ing. September 2015: Internationaler RFID tomorrow Kongress, 25. – its new test and application center in Nuremberg – offering the ideal combination of technology environment and realistic, application-oriented test conditions to support the development of new security technologies and services. Seamless wayfinding in urban environments, both outdoors and indoors, from spaces such as airports, railroad, subway or bus stations to office buildings, including the ability to easily locate a specific floor and room – just a pipe dream? â Forschungsinsel im JOSEPHS lädt zum Mitmachen ein, »Vernetzte Gesellschaft« - Die neue Themenwelt im JOSEPHS®, »Smart Future« - Die neue Themenwelt im JOSEPHS®, Die digitalisierte Supply Chain â Fraunhofer SCS auf der Hannover Messe Industrie 2018, Frachtausschreibungen in Industrie und Handel â Studie zu Bedeutung und Erfolgsfaktoren, Die digitalisierte Supply Chain â Fraunhofer SCS und Fraunhofer IIS auf der LogiMAT 2018, IBC 2018: Fraunhofer IIS und Vewd zeigen HbbTV mit MPEG-H Audio, Künstliche Intelligenz im Fokus â Schulungsangebot zum maschinellen Lernen für Industrie und Forschung startet, »TOP 100 der Logistik 2018/2019« auf dem 35. It's not uncommon however for the LED lamps to suddenly grow dim and eventually stop functioning because the battery is empty. The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS is one of the world’s leading application-oriented research institutions for microelectronic and IT system solutions and services. Division. Two selected industrial IoT live demonstrations can be seen at next week’s Mobile World Congress 2018. Deutschen Logistik-Kongress, Standardisierte Kommunikationslösung MIOTY für Anwendungen im industriellen Internet der Dinge, Fraunhofer IIS präsentiert Technologien für kognitive IoT-Sensorik auf der electronica 2018 in München, 20 Jahre voller Durchblick: Fraunhofer EZRT in Fürth feiert Geburtstag, Sehen, Fühlen, Ãben â Premiere eines virtuellen OP-Trainers auf der MEDICA, Mikroskop als Scanner nutzen - Fraunhofer iSTIX® Software erhältlich über VMscope GmbH, Innovationsort zu Industrie 4.0 für den Mittelstand, Pressemitteilung: Alterungsmodelle für LFoundry LF15A, Markenzeichen für MPEG-H-kompatible Produkte, »MitMachMedien« â Die neue Themenwelt im JOSEPHS®, Heidelberger Bildverarbeitungsforum in FuÌrth, Förderbescheid-Ãbergabe »MRB-Integration«, Energieautarkes Tracking â Mehr Sicherheit für Rettungskräfte und Prozessoptimierung in der Industrie, Nachrüst-Kit für industrielle Computertomographie, Thermoelektrische Energieversorgung für Industrieanwendungen, Qualität sichern in der Montage mit intelligenten Werkzeugen â Pilotprojekt mit BMW Regensburg, Felix & Paul Studios integrieren Fraunhofer upHear Spatial-Audio-Technologie in Virtual Reality- KamerasystemAME, Fraunhofer IIS stellt Edge Computing Plattform OGEMA für Industrie 4.0-Anwendungen vor, Breitband-Satellitenübertragung mit extrem hohem Durchsatz, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Preis 2017 für EVS, »Tech Day« des Leistungszentrums Elektroniksysteme, Future Security Conference 2017 in Nürnberg, JOSEPHS® wird »Ausgezeichneter Ort im Land der Ideen«, Mikrochip-Alterung per Knopfdruck vorhersagen, Bayerischer Startschuss für Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland, Leistungszentrum Elektroniksysteme â Fraunhofer, FAU und Industrie rücken noch enger zusammen, Infektionskrankheiten sicher und schnell erkennen, Zuverlässige More-than-Moore-Komponenten aus dem Baukasten, »Sinne:digital« â Die neue Themenwelt im JOSEPHS®, Immersive Soundbar Virtualizer auf der CEDIA 2017, Fraunhofer IIS und RFmondial zeigen DAB-Monitoring-Empfänger mit Fraunhofer MultimediaPlayer auf IBC 2017, Fraunhofer und b<>com zeigen VR-Comedyshow im MPEG-H 3D Audio-Format auf Basis der VRIF-Richtlinien, Innovationslabor JOSEPHS® in Bayerischer Staatskanzlei empfangen, Ãber 40 Stationen in der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften, Kieferorthopädische Untersuchungen ohne Röntgenstrahlung möglich, Presseinformation Dt.
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