Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Der B.A. - 2-Fächer-Studiengang - Nebenfach at Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg | Germany Groupe cible. University College Freiburg (UCF) serves as a central and interfaculty platform at the University of Freiburg for international, interdisciplinary teaching activities. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) This expertise can then can be applied to within the undergraduate's dissertation, and facilitate a direct career entry, or, for further in-depth learning, the student’s expertise can be put towards the pursuit of a subsequent Master's degree. UCF houses high profile projects, notably the English-taught Bachelor program in Liberal Arts and Sciences. You will develop a general understanding of English and North American literature, and of its historical and cultural background(s). A number of options and possibilities, made possible by the department, exist to fulfill the latter requirement. UCF houses high profile projects, notably the English-taught Bachelor program in Liberal Arts and Sciences. phil.) study coordinator Dr. Philipp Schröder Common searches. 8 x 2 Wochen Präsenz Haus der Akademien, Freiburg 495,- € pro Monat zzgl. Finally, UCF and Freiburg are part of EPICUR, a pilot English only & German language course . Freiburger Ethnologische Arbeitspapiere (FEA), Tel. La HES-SO Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale offre des formations de niveau tertiaire. The Freiburg LAS program, please contact our B.A. University College Freiburg is the University’s central facility for promoting and administering international, interdisciplinary teaching activities. Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Studiengang Abschluss ; Moderne islamische Welt: Master of Arts (M.A.) 3 Struktur und Umfang des Studiengangs (1) Der Studiengang Bachelor of Arts gliedert sich in ein Hauptfach, … It exposes students to a wide range of British and American texts of all genres and from all periods. Das Studium beginnt im Orientierungsbereich mit Our master's programs begin every winter semester in October. The B.A. Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Anlage B zur Prüfungsordnung der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität für den Studiengang Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Through the accumulation of ECTS points, the system simplifies the documentation of each student's progress. Englischsprachige Studienfächer. Studienabschlüsse. Business Administration : Start your international career now! 3 YEARS . program in English and American Studies/Anglistik und Amerikanistik is devoted to the study of the culture, language, and literature of the English-speaking world, from its beginnings up to the present day. Allgemeine Informationen Der B.A.-Studiengang Ethnologie am Institut für Ethnologie in Freiburg zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass er den Studierenden nicht nur ein fundiertes fachliches und methodisches Grundwissen vermittelt, sondern ihnen auch ein hohes Maß an Selbständigkeit sichert (bzw. Faculty of Biology; Freiburg, Germany; Current position. Particularly in this module, you're encouraged to take advantage of the possibilities provided for our students by the EUCOR network. The English program is structured as a series of modules. In addition, a broad and important part of the Bachelor's program consists in practical language courses. Alongside intercultural and near-native communicative competence (spoken and written), you'll gain a basic understanding of English linguistics and the history of the English language. Please consult the information offered by the Student Service Center as well as the SWFR (under the heading "Money"). Les études au niveau licence/bachelor. Browse Sprachwissenschaft des Deutschen, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) About. The major in English and American Studies requires 120 ECTS points. Bachelor of Arts - BWL Management (w/m/d) (Start 2021) Einsatzort Freiburg Startdatum 01.09 .2021 Kennziffer J000005365 DAS ERWARTET DICH. Bachelor of Arts Psychologie In Freiburg wird neben dem Bachelor of Science Psychologie (Hauptfach), auch der Bachelor of Arts Psychologie (Nebenfach) angeboten. Axées sur la pratique, elles permettent une entrée rapide sur le marché du travail. Der B.A.-Studiengang hat einen Studienumfang von 180 ECTS-Punkten, von denen 120 ECTS-Punkte auf das Hauptfach entfallen. Furthermore, you'll gain special expertise either in linguistics, literary studies, or cultural studies, and learn to develop and present sound academic arguments. IberoCultura – Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture (Major) | Jewish Studies (Major) | Scandinavian Studies (Major) Bachelor of Arts [B.A] Romance Studies … : +49 (0) 761 203-3593 E-mail:, Social and Cultural Anthropology in Freiburg, History of the 'Institut für Ethnologie' Freiburg, Excursions, Tandem Research Project and Project Seminars, Undergraduate Studies (Bachelor's degree), Bachelor of Arts — Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology,, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology,, 1 der Online-Jobbörsen. Language. $ 3,330 1st YEAR FEES. Each is a full-time course of study spanning four semesters, i.e. Degree. Through the accumulation of ECTS points, the system simplifies the documentation of each student's progress. Our goal is to help our students bring their already-impressive English skills up to near-native proficiency. Find more information on the admissions process here. The English minor offers basic knowledge in various sub-disciplines of English and American Studies. Special focus is laid on British and American English, older historical stages of English (Old and Middle English), as well as other standard and non-standard variants of the language. About. Den Studienverlaufsplan für den Bachelor of Arts „Islamwissenschaft“ (Hauptfach). Minijobs Bachelor of Arts Freiburg im Breisgau Minijobs: Finden Sie aktuelle Aushilfsjobs für Bachelor of Arts in Freiburg im Breisgau und Umgebung. 1. Master of Arts Furthermore, you'll acquire, a general knowledge of English and North American literature, and of its historical and cultural background(s). Management – Vertiefung General Management oder Digital Leadership Jährlich im August 3 Jahre (6 Semester) inkl. Studieninteressierte. Internships at Thermo Fisher Scientific Zwei-Hauptfächer-Bachelor Master of Arts (M.A.) Bachelor of Arts. The Freiburg LAS programme reaches across academic fields while also offering discipline-oriented academic training in a particular Major. in English and American Studies is one of the best-established Humanities programs at the University of Freiburg, and allows its students to complete a streamlined, well-organised degree in English language, literature, and culture in a comparatively short time. cliquez ici pour la version allemande . Read more details, Specialisation in Linguistics or Literary Studies, Extended Studies and Practical Applications, British and Postcolonial Cultural Studies. English linguistics uses linguistic theories and models to study the English language, its history, and its continuing development. Apply for Bachelor of Arts BWL Health Care Management (w/m/d) Duales Studium job with Thermo Fisher Scientific in Freiburg, Germany. In this matter, especially the project-oriented module of the 5th semester offers students the possibility to gain practical experience abroad and enhance their intercultural expertise. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a standard for measuring the expected workload that's necessary for students to successfully meet learning outcomes. A number of options and possibilities, made possible by the department, exist to fulfill the latter requirement. A.) Within the B.A., students acquire not only thorough theoretical and methodological knowledge, but also a high level of independence through self-reliant research. University College Freiburg (UCF) serves as a central and interfaculty platform at the University of Freiburg for international, interdisciplinary teaching activities. 490 Liberal Arts and Sciences in Freiburg. Ansprechpartnerin für den B.A.-Studiengang „Islamwissenschaft“ ist Frau Prof. Dr. Roswitha Badry. Maximilian MÜLLER, Master's Student of University of Freiburg, Freiburg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) | Contact Maximilian MÜLLER University College Freiburg (UCF) serves as a central and interfaculty platform at the University of Freiburg for international, interdisciplinary teaching activities. Within the B.A., students acquire not only thorough theoretical and methodological knowledge, but also a high level of independence through self-reliant research. abverlangt) und diverse Wahlmöglichkeiten eröffnet. 79098 Freiburg. This four-year degree is the University of Freiburg's first interdisciplinary, English-taught undergraduate program and the first of its kind in Germany. 6. ), a state examination (including a teaching degree) or an ecclesiastical examination as a foundational first degree at the University of Freiburg. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor und Staatsexamen. Biochemistry and Biophysics Master of Science (M.Sc.) I. Fachspezifische Bestimmungen für die Hauptfächer Kulturanthropologie und University of Freiburg. The Bachelor of Arts consists of a major (120 ECTS), a minor (40 ECTS), and a general education component 8 (20 ECTS; link in German only). The B.A. They have the kind of sideways thinking and cross-classifying habit of mind that comes from learning, among other things, the many different ways of looking at literary works, social systems, chemical processes or languages. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) The major in English and American Studies requires 40 ECTS points. In Freiburg wird Soziologie als Hauptfach und als Nebenfach mit dem Abschluss Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) The University of Freiburg (colloquially German: Uni Freiburg), ... notably the bachelor's program in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Through your work with literary and cultural-studies frameworks (literary history, cultural theory, narratology, media studies), you'll expand your ability to analyse literary and non-literary texts. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Each module is a teaching and learning unit, composed of required and elective courses with similar content and/or themes. Contact. Promotion (Dr. The polyvalent double-major Bachelor's degree is designed as a full-time course of studies and consists of two majors (75 ECTS each), a self-designed component (20 ECTS) and a bachelor's thesis in one of the two majors (10 ECTS). The University of Freiburg's Master of Arts in English Literatures and Literary Theory – MELLIT – is the definitive M.A. La HES-SO est constituée d'un vaste réseau de hautes écoles dans sept cantons. Contact. (Basierend auf Total Visits weltweit, Quelle: comScore) Hier sehen Sie … of places. angeboten. About. In this way, students have the opportunity to develop an individual profile with regards to content as well as regional knowledge. Thanks to its broad spectrum of academic fields, the University of Freiburg has great potential for innovative fundamental research – both at the core of individual disciplines and in collaborative interdisciplinary research. Sie wird gerne auf Ihre Fragen antworten ( ). Unterstütze unsere Filialdirektion Freiburg in der Region Freiburg zum 01.09.2021 im Rahmen eines Dualen Studiums im Vertrieb zum Bachelor of Arts (m/w/d) BWL … Grad Bachelor of Arts (abgekürzt: B.A.) Beratung zum Lehramtsstudium. Bachelor of Science BWL Public and Non-Profit Management Bachelor of Arts Nebenfächer VWL und BWL Polyvalenter Zwei-Hauptfächer Bachelorstudiengang Wirtschaftswissenschaft (mit Option … Praktika at Thermo Fisher Scientific The four-year Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) is an English-taught interdisciplinary undergraduate program. Furthermore, the program is distinguished by its optimal student-to-faculty ratio, leading to generally small course sizes–ideal conditions for focused studies. ISW Business School Freiburg, as part of its Quality Management system, is committed to teaching students specialist knowledge, methodology, social competencies, and the ability to transfer this knowledge to a professional environment. Bachelor of Arts; Master of Arts; Double-Major Bachelor's (with Teaching Option) Study Abroad; Research; Opportunities; Academic Writing Support; Newsletter; maniACTs – the english department drama group; Contact & Travel Options ), a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. ist der Abschluss in den geistes-, sozial-, und sprachwissenschaftlichen Fächern. To view more information on the 5th semester module and possible cooperations, please click here: and here Finden Sie jetzt 42 zu besetzende Bachelor Arts Jobs in Freiburg auf, der weltweiten Nr. The English major offers a wide-ranging undergraduate education focusing on linguistic, literary, and cultural developments in the English-speaking world. Application Deadline. Through its integration of various cultural and academic perspectives, cultural studies takes a deeply interdisciplinary approach. Students from EU and EEA countries: €155 student activity fee per semester. Brendan RYAN, Master's Student of University of Freiburg, Freiburg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) | Contact Brendan RYAN 1 ECTS point represents 30 hours of work, and each student should spend 1200 hours/yr for their major and 400 for the minor. Depending on your chosen specialisation, you'll gain advanced knowledge in linguistics or in literary studies. Bachelor Urkunde einfach online kaufen Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Frei zu gestaltende Bachelorurkunde für den Bachelorabschluss Bachelor ohne Studium Reproduktion nach aktueller Vorlage Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Auf das Nebenfach und den Ergänzungsbereich entfallen insgesamt 60 ECTS-Punkte, von denen im Nebenfach gemäß den Vorgaben der fachspezifischen Bestimmungen der Prüfungsordnung zwischen 30 und 40 ECTS-Punkte zu erwerben sind und im Ergänzungsbereich je nach Studienumfang des Nebenfachs zwischen 20 und 30 ECTS-Punkte. Master of Arts in British and North American Cultural Studies; Master of Arts in English Literatures and Literary Theory; Master of Arts in English Language and Linguistics; Start Date and Length. Welcome guide for international students. Students can receive a Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Der B.A. Oct 11 . 80 per year. Registration for Staatsexamen & Bachelor's/Master's Theses, Hochbruck | Chair of North American Studies, British and North American Cultural Studies, Double-Major Bachelor's (with Teaching Option), maniACTs – the english department drama group,, General Guidelines for the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts with a major in English and American Studies, Bachelor of Arts with a minor in English and American Studies, First-time students: English Language Proficiency Exam and weighted secondary school grades, Upper-semester students: open admission (from an equivalent field of study). Alongside intercultural and near-native communicative competence (spoken and written), you'll develop a deeper understanding of the structure and various uses of the English language, and will familiarise yourself with the basics of linguistics (syntax, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, phonology, phonetics, and corpus linguistics) as well as applied language studies (e.g. Du suchst einen Ausbildungsplatz als Bachelor of Arts Fitnessökonomie (m/w/d) in Freiburg im Breisgau mit Beginn in 2021? Master of Arts (M.A.) It started in October 2012. (Bachelor of Science) Subjects: Agriculture, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, Sociology, Cultural Studies . As Important Yesterday as Tomorrow: Intelligent Minds. Publications 1. It incorporates insights from literary studies, media studies, linguistics, history, social sciences, film studies, theatre studies, art history, musicology, economics, communications, and the humanities. University College Freiburg (UCF) serves as a central and interfaculty platform at the University of Freiburg for international, interdisciplinary teaching activities. Academic Program and Degree Plan (Prüfungsordnung & Studienverlaufsplan). Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg (PH Freiburg) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. Das Nebenfach Katholisch-Theologische Studien vermittelt grundständiges wissen in vielfältigen Bereichen der Theologie etwa dem biblischen, historischen und praktischen. Le cursus intégré s'adresse aux étudiants qui se trouvent au début de leur formation d'enseignants et qui sont inscrits en première année de Licence LLCE Allemand à l'Université de Haute-Alsace de Mulhouse. Le Master of Arts in Legal Studies (MALS) ... Ils suiventdes branches obligatoires du programme de bachelor et les combinent avec des branches des programmes de bachelor et de master parmi lesquelles il est possible de choisir librement. Struktur Für eine ausführliche Darstellung des Studienverlaufs, die Sie bei Ihrer Studienplanung unterstützen soll, folgen Sie dem Link. Winter semester: 15 Jul . Bachelor of Arts (B. Altertumswissenschaften: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) examination regulations of the University of Freiburg for the faculties of philology, philosophy, and economics and behavioral studies dated 29.09.2005 based on the degree specifications from 10.07.2008* and the latest version of the general regulations Sociology, Major Article 1 Degree requirements 120 ECTS credits are required to receive a major in sociology. No. Liberal Arts People trained in the Liberal Arts learn to tolerate ambiguity and to bring order out of apparent confusion. Check Eligibility. successfully completed studies, ECTS credits are awarded. B.Sc. University College Freiburg (UCF) serves as a central and interfaculty platform at the University of Freiburg for international, interdisciplinary teaching activities. Kunstgeschichte in Freiburg Studieninformationen Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) About. Network. Alternatively, it is also possible to study at another university for one semester. UCF houses high profile projects, notably the English-taught Bachelor program in Liberal Arts and Sciences. The ECTS is designed to make the structure of tertiary education, as well as its associated workload, more transparent. English literary studies uses theoretical and comparative frameworks to deal with the history of English and North American literature, also integrating works from other English-speaking literatures. You have the opportunity to continue your education with a Master of Arts (M.A.) Bachelor of Arts [B.A] FrancoMedia – French Language, Literature, and Media Culture (Major) FULL TIME . Prüfungsordnungen Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Arts Nebenfächer VWL und BWL Zentrale Informationen zum B.A. Each module is a teaching and learning unit, composed of required and elective courses with similar content and/or themes. – 2 ... Sedanstraße 6 79098 Freiburg Map Accessibility Stairlift up to 225 kg. Son nom en allemand demeure inchangé: Hochschule für Technik und Architektur Freiburg (HTA-FR) Notes et références. Furthermore, you'll acquire a general knowledge of English and North American literature, and of its historical and cultural background(s). Altertumswissenschaften: Master o Lehramt an Gymnasien Master of Education (M.Ed.) Current institution. Network. in Betriebswirtschaft, Digital Leadership oder in der Immobilienwirtschaft MEHR ERFAHREN International Admissions and Services. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. During your studies, you'll choose courses in the following subjects: In the module "Extended Studies and Practical Applications," you can expand your knowledge in cultural studies and/or language competence, and get credit for internships or time spent in English-speaking countries. Einzelberatung (offene Sprechstunde von Mo ,Di, Do 9-12 Uhr ,Di 14-16 Uhr oder Terminvereinbarung telefonisch über die Hotline) Studiengänge der Hochschule. Of particular note is the program's practical relevance, ensured by professional skills courses (berufsfeldorientierte Kompetenzen, BOK) in the general education component, as well as the possibility of for-credit internships as part of the major. UCF houses high profile projects, notably the English-taught Bachelor program in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Veuillez noter que le MALS ne constitue pas un diplôme qui vous permet d'être admis-e aux examens du barreau. UCF houses high profile projects, notably the English-taught Bachelor program in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Das Institut für Soziologie bietet des Weiteren auch einen Abschluss Master of Arts (M.A.) Magister Artium (M.A.) Students can either choose to conduct a fieldwork project or do an internship within a country of their own choice. Bachelor - University of Freiburg Not only is Albert-Ludwig University physically located in the heart of the city of Freiburg - its students, professors, and staff are also an integral part of daily life in the Capital of the Black Forest . LAS is a specific approach to Bachelor level education and offers an alternative to disciplinary study programs. If you have any questions regarding the B.A. The English program is structured as a series of modules. Eine ausführliche Darstellung des Studienverlaufs für den Nebenfachanteil Katholisch-Theologische Studien finden Sie hier . Hauptfach Nebenfach Online Studienwahl Assistent (OSA) - Lernen Sie unseren Bachelor-Studiengang Kunstgeschichte mit Videointerviews und Master of University College Freiburg (UCF) serves as a central and interfaculty platform at the University of Freiburg for international, interdisciplinary teaching activities. Master. Bachelor of Arts [B.A]|Bachelor of Science [B.Sc]|Bachelor| Master of Science [M.Sc]|Master of Arts [M.A]|Master of Education [M.Ed]|Master of Laws [L.L.M]|Master| Early Modern and Modern History (Major)*200180| Liberal Arts and Sciences*200263| Sociology (Major)*200247| Political Science (Major)*200233| Art History (Major)*200165| Ancient Civilization Studies (Major)*200158| Catholic … Liens externes. The four-year Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) is an English-taught interdisciplinary undergraduate program. University of Freiburg. Standort Freiburg Dokumente Kontakt & Anreise Unsere Partner Ausbildungsangebote Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science International Management Assistant, 3-sprachig Bachelor of Arts International Management Assistant – 2 field degree program - Major Field; English and American Studies Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 1 ECTS point represents 30 hours of work, and each student should spend 1200 hours/yr for their major and 400 for the minor. Course Duration. Comprehensive University. For successfully completed studies, ECTS credits are awarded. Nebenfach bedeutet in diesem Fall, dass der/ die Studierende ein Hauptfach mit 120 ECTS-Punkten wählt und Psychologie mit 35 ECTS-Punkten als Nebenfach studiert. Free / €1500 . Liberal Arts and Sciences University College Freiburg is the University’s central facility for promoting and administering international, interdisciplinary teaching … Der Bachelor of Arts-Vollzeitstudiengang gliedert sich in ein Hauptfach (120 ECTS), ein Nebenfach (40 ECTS) und den Ergänzungsbereich (20 ECTS). language acquisition and teaching, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics). During your studies, you'll choose courses in the following subjects: The Bachelor of Arts consists of a major (120 ECTS), a minor (40 ECTS), and a general education component (20 ECTS; link in German only). Du suchst einen Ausbildungsplatz als Bachelor of Arts Marketing Management (m/w/d) in Freiburg im Breisgau mit Beginn in 2021? Programme des cours. It is a process of intellectual discovery and personal development in an interdisciplinary and international learning community. British and North American cultural studies investigates the sociocultural backgrounds and nexuses of English-speaking countries and their cultural products, particularly in the context of societal structures. Im Ergänzungsbereich sind in der R… Kurzinfo und Hotline Mo bis Do von 9-16:30 Uhr und Fr von 9-12 Uhr. ). Weiterbildungsstudiengänge. Hoppla! Dann ist dieses Angebot genau richtig für dich! Berufsintegriert oder dual studieren – mit international anerkanntem Hochschulabschluss, z.B. Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) is a specific approach to Bachelor's level education. No tuition fees. Bachelor of Arts. Application Deadlines . 4 Years (starting: Winter semester) Duration. Studierende. B.Sc. FAQ. Tuition fees for students from non-EU/EEA countries or for those pursuing a second undergraduate degree came into effect starting in the 2017/18 Winter Semester. Publication . für den Studiengang Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Obtention simultanée de la Licence en LLCER « parcours binational » et du « Bachelor of Arts » allemand MODALITÉS D’ADMISSION Label d’excellence de l’Université franco-allemande (UFA) Deux diplômes (Licence/Bachelor of Arts) et bourse UFA Séjour intégré à la PH Freiburg Compétences interculturelles Préparation aux métiers de B2 (CEFR), Curriculum Vitae (in English) and attestations for voluntary services, internships, etc. The English minor offers basic knowledge in various sub-disciplines of English and American Studies. – 2 field degree program - Minor Field Philosophy/Ethics Polyvalent dual-major bachelor's degree program - Major field (with secondary-school teaching degree option) or a Master of Science (M.Sc. in English and American Studies gehört an der Universität Freiburg zu Bachelor kaufen Albert-Ludwigs-Universität | Reproduktion nach aktueller Vorlage! An der Universität Freiburg können Studiengänge mit folgenden Abschlüssen studiert werden: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Liberal Arts and Sciences. Alongside intercultural and near-native communicative competence (spoken and written), you'll gain a basic understanding of English linguistics and the history of the English language. program that prepares you for a Ph.D. in British, American or postcolonial literature, or many other career paths of your choice. The B.A. This is also one of the reasons why Freiburg has become such a popular place to study. Beratung . Zu Ihrer Suche nach Bachelor of Arts in Freiburg im Breisgau haben wir im Umkreis von 30 km … SIMILAR PROGRAMS. Dann ist dieses Angebot genau richtig für dich! Your analytical and research-oriented capabilities will be developed, and you'll familiarise yourself with linguistic, literary, and cultural developments in the English-speaking world. Apply for Bachelor of Arts BWL Health Care Management (w/m/d) Duales Studium job with Thermo Fisher Scientific in Freiburg, Germany. Reads . Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science / B.A., B.Sc. verliehen. The University of Freiburg is one of Europe’s strongest research universities. UCF houses high profile projects, notably the English-taught Bachelor program in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Already a comprehensive university at its founding in 1457, the University of Freiburg still offers undergraduate and graduate studies as well as professorial qualification in all important disciplines today: the humanities, natural and engineering sciences, medicine, law, and theology. It was established in 2012 at the University of Freiburg and is hosted by UCF, an interfaculty center for international, interdisciplinary teaching. The ECTS is designed to make the structure of tertiary education, as well as its associated workload, more transparent.
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