Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, The AMD Radeon R9 380 is a desktop graphics card of the performance class that was introduced in mid 2015. AMD Radeon R9 390 & R9 380 Overclocking Benchmark - 1% to 7% Performance Gains ... We tune the clockrate, power, and memory speeds, then test for stability. the gpu-z screeny shows 193.6 GTexels/sec. Attempting to OC just the core clocks and memory clocks without change to the power allotment, for instance, will result in a stifled OC that is throttled by power availability. For clarity, increasing the power by X% over 100% means that we're increasing the power over reference. It's finally time for another graphics card video, this time the Radeon R9 380x. All devices were tested for performance, stability, and thermals prior to overclocking to ensure clean results. video cards, we took the final opportunity prior to loaner returns to overclock the devices. There will be some delay after submitting a comment. AMD OverPower was used for AMD overclocking. i did read that it should be powerfull enough.. specs: amd phenom 945 4X 3,40ghz 16gb ram win7 64bit msi radeon r9 380 … Although AMD overclocking can be forced down through MSI Afterburner, the software doesn't have full access to all the tuning settings. Wie lautet das Testfazit von »c't«? PC Games Hardware klärt im Test, ob sich das lange Warten gelohnt hat. Owners of the 200 series have little business upgrading, though new buyers may be in the running for a 300 series device. Dok se R9 380 i GTX 960 "mlate" za svoje mesto ispod suncem, novi Radeon … Welche Informationen vermitteln die Amazon.de Rezensionen? I also had people who were typing apostrophes into the address bar - sigh. The fact that the 2GB Radeon R9 380 can achieve above 60fps on Low settings at 1080p is really good. We’ve gone over its technical specifications more than once and will consequently just refer you back to our original launch article from the year 2012: AMD Radeon HD 7870 And 7850 Review: Pitcairn Gets Benchmarked. The only improvement over its predecessor seems to be higher GPU and memory clock rates. The Fury devices, which will ship with the new Fiji architecture, are presently priced out of the range of these 300 devices, making them non-competitors to AMD's own lower-end products. Die neue GPU besitzt insgesamt 1792 Shadereinheiten und 112 Textureneinheiten bei insgesamt 32 ROPS. Is the 390x a rebranding of the 290x, but costing $100 more?? All rights reserved. We conducted a large suite of real-world tests, logging VRAM consumption in most of them for comparative analysis. It was in a card called the Radeon HD 7850 back then, and it later resurfaced as the R7 270. Keine der aufgeführten Karten hat ernsthafte Mängel, wir können alle empfehlen. It looks like something similar is about to happen with the Radeon R9 390X, since AMD’s Fury cards are just around the corner. Nice to see 980 Ti still stomps everything, glad I bought one... a wise investment! The table above reflects this. Overclocking the AMD 300 series graphics cards is a slightly different experience from nVidia overclocking, but remains methodologically the same in approach: We tune the clockrate, power, and memory speeds, then test for stability. Nicely done AMD. He recalls his first difficult decision with GN's direction: "I didn't know whether or not I wanted 'Gamers' to have a possessive apostrophe -- I mean, grammatically it should, but I didn't like it in the name. It made sense to just leave it as 'Gamers.'". Through usage of AMD's targeting reticle, we're able to manipulate the power percentage over (or under) reference as supplied to the GPU. AMD Radeon R9 380. Power is, like on Maxwell, split between voltage and the clock. It’s too bad that all Radeon R9 380 boards don't get upgraded to 4GB of GDDR5 memory. The R9 390 and R9 380 are … The games and software tested include: We already know GTA V and Far Cry 4 consume massive amounts of video memory, often in excess of the 2GB limits of some cards. Copyright © 2020 GamersNexus, LLC. What is the AMD Radeon R9 380. anyone else with this h/w? The Radeon R9 380 graphics cards will become available in 2GB and 4 GB versions, the GPU used you all know already as Tonga, the same GPU used on the Radeon R9 285. Astute readers will also notice that the pixel and texel rates have increased on the R9 300 series cards – this is a function of the 50MHz clock increment, as texel rate is calculated as a product of the clockrate and TMUs. In March of 2012, more than three years ago, Pitcairn first saw the light of day. Die Redaktion hat im ausführlichen Sapphire radeon r9 380 drivers Test uns jene genialsten Produkte angeschaut und die auffälligsten Eigenschaften zusammengefasst. VRAM utilization was measured using in-game tools and then validated with MSI's Afterburner and AIDA64, a custom version of the Riva Tuner software. First world problems, Steve. These graphics cards should cover the entire range of AMD’s offerings in this segment. Looks like I'm abandoning AMD for my next GPU. The latest GeForce 353.06 drivers were used during testing. Even the largest graphics card we benchmarked for this article, MSI’s R9 390X Gaming 8G, is just an old acquaintance with a new name. so i bought a radeon r9 380 today hoping it would be vr ready, butthe perfomance test only says "capable" and recommends upgrading it. Nvidia did the same thing with its Kepler architecture, renaming the GeForce GTX 680 to GeForce GTX 770. Radeon R9 290X Review: AMD's Back In Ultra-High-End Gaming. Temperatures were logged using AIDA64. The Sapphire R9 390 we used is limited to 2000MHz on the memory clock (theoretical max) and +50% on the power target. We'd encourage greater caution when pushing upper limits for consumer devices. Keep up the good work Lisa! Results will be different for other hardware. MSI’s new offering can call 1024 shaders and 2GB of graphics memory its own, and it’s is the smallest of the new graphics cards. There’s actually a good reason for a feeling of déjà vu when reading this article: the GPUs have all been around for a generation or two. This one is being referred to as Trinidad. Wer strikt auf die Leistungsaufnahme schaut, sollte zu einer GTX 960 greifen, sie verbrauchen unter Volllast gute 50 Watt weniger Strom als die Radeon … GamersNexus.net is Owned, Operated, & Maintained by GamersNexus, LLC. Overclocking increases thermals and threatens stability, and should only be performed to levels with which the user feels comfortable. AMD hat seine Radeon R9 380X mit Tonga-XT-GPU offiziell veröffentlicht. This test loads the VRAM heavily, something Kombustor skips, and keeps the GPU under high load that is comparable to gaming demands. Overclocking the AMD 300 series graphics cards is a slightly different experience from nVidia overclocking, but remains methodologically the same in approach: We tune the clockrate, power, and memory speeds, then test for stability. The Radeon R9 380 graphics cards will become available in 2GB and 4 GB versions, the GPU used you all know already as Tonga, the same GPU used on the Radeon R9 285. We moderate comments on a ~24~48 hour cycle. Tom's Hardware is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Components that offer the best value for money have great performance (yellow) and … We’ll see when we get to the benchmarks that this smaller GPU shouldn’t be written off yet, even though it’s transitioning from mid-range down to the entry-level segment. Bei uns wird hohe Sorgfalt auf die … MSI Radeon R9 380 Gaming im Test (4/6) Inhaltsverzeichnis > MSI Radeon R9 380 Gaming; Die MSI Radeon R9 380 Gaming im Detail ... die GTX 980, die GTX 980 Ti gegen die neue MSI Radeon R9 380. The only direct competition to the R9 380 is the GTX 960 4GB ($239), and the R9 390 faces competition from the GTX 970 ($350). Thank you for signing up to Tom's Hardware. Antigua Pro (previously called Tonga) makes a reappearance as well in the Radeon R9 380. This overclocking guide and benchmark for the R9 390 & R9 380 looks at the maximum clockrate achievable through tweaking. Unabhängig davon, dass die Urteile dort immer wieder nicht ganz neutral sind, geben sie im Gesamtpaket einen guten Orientierungspunkt. Radeon R9 380X. As discussed in the review, the R9 390 and R9 380 are effectively identical to their preceding components (the R9 290 and R9 285, respectively). Visit our corporate site. Please refresh the page and try again. You will receive a verification email shortly. This card is another … Wait, I think I'm misunderstanding something. PC Games Hardware - Besonders auffällig ist Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, welches Tonga überhaupt nicht schmeckt - in diesem Spiel rechnet die R9 280X doppelt so schnell und die 380X erreicht fast dieselben Bildraten wie die 380… Get instant access to breaking news, in-depth reviews and helpful tips. Die Radeon R9 380 ist mehr oder weniger ein Rebrand der alten Radeon R9 285 mit Tonga Chip. It is based on the 28 nm Tonga GPU with 1792 … Radeon R9 380X se smestio u sopstvenu cenovnu kategoriju, pa sve do pojavljivanja nekog imaginarnog GTX 960 Ti modela, nema od koga da bude ugrožen. But let’s get back to the three new graphics cards, which, in reality, aren’t really that new. Thermals were reported using Delta T over ambient throughout a 25-minute burn-in period using 3DMark FireStrike - Extreme on infinite loop, which renders graphics at 1440p resolution. Built on the 28 nm process, and based on the Antigua graphics processor, in its Antigua PRO variant, the card … AMD Radeon R9 380: Tonga Makes the Switch from R9 285 to R9 380 Antigua Pro (previously called Tonga ) makes a reappearance as well in the Radeon R9 380. In our case, we're generally working with review hardware, so it's our job to try and find a breaking point. The Radeon R9 380 is a performance-segment graphics card by AMD, launched in June 2015. AMD's 300-series Radeons dropped today, and we've got three MSI cards in the lab: the R9 390X Gaming 8G, the R9 380 Gaming 2G and the R7 370 Gaming 2G. It was launched in September of 2014. Whenever overclocks, overvoltage attempts, and over-power attempts are applied to a GPU, there is an inherent risk of destroying the silicon. On the OC bench, devices were set to maximize their voltage ceiling with incremental gains applied to the core clock (GPU) frequency. Beyond the memory and clock jumps, there are no changes of note for buyers. Too little power, and the GPU will ignore your overclock frequency, instead pushing it as high as is sustainable with the power available. No longer content to rename just its products, AMD is renaming GPUs as well. Until then, Hawaii needs to hold the fort with more memory, a higher clock rate and even more power consumption than its predecessor. If the settings survived this test without logged fault, we recorded the OC settings and logged them to our spreadsheet. Microsoft Reportedly Moving Its Servers to Custom Chips, Best Holiday Tech and PC Hardware Deals 2020: CPUs, SSDs and More, Best Holiday Raspberry Pi Deals: Cases, HATs, Kits, More. By Jarred Walton 12 February 2016. We tested using our updated 2015 GPU test bench, detailed in the table below. :). This isn’t really an unprecedented move. Why did you ignore 390? Memory overclocking is done on the slider that rests beneath the green-red OC gradient. Overclocked tests were conducted using EVGA Precision for application of settings to nVidia devices. The AMD R9 380 succeeds the Tonga based R9 285. I fear for the future. Continue to Page 2 for the AMD 300 overclocking results. 3DMark offers a synthetic benchmark that is predictable in its results, something of great importance in benchmarking. How We Test Test System. The end result is that the GPU is nearly maxed-out as it is, but there's still a small amount of room for overclocking play. AMD Catalyst 15.15 was used for the 300 series cards, with 15.5 used for 200 series cards due to incompatibility. The AMD R9 380 succeeds the Tonga based R9 285. AMD OverPower was used for AMD overclocking. AMD Radeon HD 7870 And 7850 Review: Pitcairn Gets Benchmarked, AMD Radeon R9 285 Review: Tonga and GCN Update 3.0. AMD Radeon R9 380 review feat. On the OC bench, devices were set to maximize their voltage ceiling with incremental gains applied to the, Last modified on June 20, 2015 at 11:05 pm, Maxwell overclocking we've already discussed, HW News - AMD CPU Surge in Steam Survey, SAM for Z490, Intel Rocket Lake, HW News - NZXT "Safety Issue," GPU Availability, AMD MI100 GPU , NVIDIA A100 80GB, HW News - NVIDIA Adds 'Smart Access Memory' Counter, Zen 3 Delid, Intel Add-in GPU, HW News - NVIDIA MSRP Allegedly Not Realistic, Ryzen 5000 Supply, PCIe 6.0 Spec. All these tests were performed with Sapphire's “Nitro” series of AMD 300 cards, specifically using the Sapphire Nitro R9 390 Tri-X and Sapphire Nitro R9 380 Dual-X cards. Those who really want to know all the details can always reference our original launch article, AMD Radeon R9 285 Review: Tonga and GCN Update 3.0. Pitcairn continues life as the Radeon R7 370. As it sits now, there will be two versions, one with 2GB and one with 4GB; the boards we've seen and tested are the former. Sapphire Radeon R9 380 4GB Review. Its architecture hasn’t changed at all either, so we’re forgoing the theory part of the review again. This chart compares the AMD Radeon R9 380 with the most popular Graphics Cards over the last 30 days. Welche Intention visieren Sie nach dem Kauf mit Ihrem Gigabyte Radeon R9 380 … Sapphire's loaned R9 380 is limited to ~1700-1800MHz on the memory clock (theoretical max) with a +20% power target limit. The architectural refresh added about 50MHz to the operating frequency of each card, with some power changes and memory clock changes tacked-on. Final OCs were applied and tested on games for comparison. The R9 390 and R9 380 are already pushed pretty close to their limits. We only have one sample of the R9 380 so far and comparing benchmarks between the R9 380 and R9 … Further, MSI’s Zero Frozr cooler turns off in low load and temperature situations. Instead, we’ll just take a look at the performance differences and what they’ll cost you on your electric bill. Once again, we won’t rehash the technical details. Each game was tested for 30 seconds in an identical scenario on the two cards, then repeated for parity. The most affordable card we’ve seen from AMD’s new graphics range is the Radeon R9 380, which comes in at just £155 in its 2GB configuration and £170 … 390X at 4K is the only one showing anything that could be called an improvement and that's entirely due to the additional RAM, which you can already get on a 290X. Overclocked tests were conducted using EVGA Precision for application of settings to nVidia devices. Instead, we take an average of the lowest 1% of results (1% low) to show real-world, noticeable dips; we then take an average of the lowest 0.1% of results for severe spikes. Die Grafikkarte Radeon R9 380 Gaming 4GB von GigaByte im Test. MSI R9 390X Gaming 8G's texture fillrate in the spec table (1st page) may have been incorrect. It was launched on October 24, 2013, which is to say that it’s about 1.5 years old at this point. The MSI R9 380 Gaming 4G had a lead of nearly 4fps on this test at 2,560x1,600 over the GTX 960, but again we didn't see a big leap in performance from the MSI R9 380 Gaming 4G over the Radeon R9 … Erst absichern, dann kaufen mit Testberichte.de! The R9 390X Gaming 8G, R9 380 Gaming 2G and R7 370 Gaming 2G all sport GPU and memory overclocking from the factory. We do not measure maximum or minimum FPS results as we consider these numbers to be pure outliers. 3DMark Firestrike was used on infinite loop to determine stability in a relatively real-world scenario. ... a PowerColor Radeon R9 390, and a “smaller” MSI Radeon R9 380. This card is another rebrand, plain and simple. Again I am left disappointed....AMD please stop doing this to me. In this case, the Radeon R9 290X with its Hawaii XT GPU makes another appearance. The card’s power consumption increases right along with them, which means that the new revision likely doesn’t include any actual changes. Average FPS, 1% low, and 0.1% low times are measured. Our thanks to supporting hardware vendors for supplying some of the test components. Since AMD isn’t sending out reference versions of its newest graphics cards, we’re using samples from MSI to explore the new 300 series. VisionTek: The best $200 graphics card you can buy A little bit of extra oomph in the clock speeds help make it the most enticing option for mainstream … NY 10036. Der PCGH-Test der Radeon R9 390(X) und der R9 380: AMD hat seine Radeon-300-Familie offiziell veröffentlicht. The only difference between the two cards is a tiny 2% GPU clock increase on the R9 380 but for the most part, the R9 380 is identical to the R9 285. The company then came out with its Maxwell-based GeForce GTX 750 Ti and placed the 780, 780 Ti and Titan above it in the pecking order. The AMD R9 380 succeeds the Tonga based R9 285. New York, First world problems. Game settings were manually controlled for the DUT. Following our initial review of AMD's new R9 390 ($330) and R9 380 ($220) video cards, we took the final opportunity prior to loaner returns to overclock the devices. damn it. The Radeon R9 380 GPU could struggle if it was to try and run the most demanding games available today, but it meets a lot of game system requirements found in today’s games. PC Games Hardware - Grundsatzfrage: Radeon R9 380 oder Geforce GTX 960? At this point, the device was placed on a burn-in test using 3DMark Firestrike for 25 minutes. The GPU is now called Grenada XT. We only have one sample of the R9 380 so far and comparing benchmarks between the R9 380 and R9 … Die Radeon R9 380 ist eine Grafikkarte der oberen Mittelklasse und nutzt die Antiqua-GPU. Once stability was compromised -- either from crashing or artifacting -- we attempted to resolve the issue by fine-tuning other OC settings; if stability could not be achieved, we backed-down the core clock frequency until we were confident of stability. Those interested in it can refer to our original launch article once more: Radeon R9 290X Review: AMD's Back In Ultra-High-End Gaming. We only have one sample of the R9 380 so far and comparing benchmarks between the R9 380 and R9 … But at least it’s built on a more recent version of AMD’s GCN architecture than Pitcairn. Under the same conditions, the GTX 960 measured used 230–270W. Thanks to Jon Peddie Research for GTX 970 & R9 280X support. So what I learned is the 390X is the same as the 290X at 1440p or below (which is 95% or more of gamers) and the 390X only excels at 4k but still only on par with the 980 (non ti). Aufrüsten leicht gemacht. Microsoft Flight Simulator R9 380 benchmarks and frames per second analysis performed on AMD MSI Radeon R9 380 | Intel i7-5820K | 16GB Average FPS for AMD Radeon R9 380 in Microsoft … … This directly impacts the amount of power the GPU will drink through its PSU connectors, and directly impacts the resulting clockrates and stability of the overclock. Steve started GamersNexus back when it was just a cool name, and now it's grown into an expansive website with an overwhelming amount of features. Parity checking was performed with GPU-Z. All devices were tested for performance, stability, and thermals prior to overclocking to ensure clean results. © Gigabyte Radeon R9 380 - Unser Testsieger . MSI R9 380 GAMING 4G: AMD Radeon R9 380, 4GB 256-bit GDDR5, DisplayPort, DL-DVI-I, DL-DVI-D, HDMI, PCI Express 3.0 Graphics Card, Gaming Edition Product information Style: R9 380 GAMING 4G AMD's Catalyst drivers have a built-in overclocking utility that allows for increases to power in percentages, similar to the Maxwell overclocking we've already discussed. There was a problem. Shadow of Mordor, GTA V, & The Witcher 3 are new enough that they heavily eat VRAM. GRID: Autosport and Metro: Last Light provide highly-optimized benchmarking titles to ensure stability on the bench. It was ugly. ... when our test rig was running the R9 380. The only difference between the two cards is a tiny 2% GPU clock increase on the R9 380 but for the most part, the R9 380 is identical to the R9 285. The only difference between the two cards is a tiny 2% GPU clock increase on the R9 380 but for the most part, the R9 380 is identical to the R9 285. Core counts, TMUs, ROPs, even the GPU itself are all the same – it's the memory capacity and clockrate that have changed, with some “tuning” to the power management engine. FPS measurements were taken using FRAPS and then analyzed in a spreadsheet. We … It's basically a 390x for $100 less. Gegenüber der R9 285 wurde vor allem der Speicherausbau erweitert, denn die neue R9 …
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